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  • Loi du 22 mai 2008 portant adaptation du droit interne aux dispositions du Deuxième Protocole relatif à la Convention de La Haye de 1954 pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé, signé à La Haye le 26 mars 1999

    This legislation focuses on adapting internal laws to the Hague Convention’s provisions for protecting cultural heritage during armed conflicts. It outlines severe penalties, including imprisonment, for intentional violations of cultural property protection protocols. The document emphasises the importance of safeguarding cultural assets from destruction, theft, vandalism, or misuse during times of war. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the definition of actions that constitute violations of cultural property protection, such as attacking, using, destroying, or stealing culturally significant items. It also specifies the legal consequences for individuals found

    Νόμος 3658/2008 (Α 70 / 22-04-2008): Μέτρα για την Προστασία των Πολιτιστικών Αγαθών και άλλες διατάξεις.

    The law introduces measures for the protection of cultural property and the fight against antiquities theft, in particular by searching for, documenting the origin and movement of, and claiming movable monuments. Law 3658/2008 established a new national service for the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural goods (Directorate of Documentation and Protection of cultural goods). Law 4761/2020 amends articles 5 and 9 and introduces article 15 regarding transport, packaging and insurance of recovered products and cultural goods. Law 3658/2008 (Α 70 / 22-04-2008): Measures for the Protection of Cultural Goods

    Kushtetuta E Republikës Së Shqipërisë

    The Albanian Constitution safeguards the cultural heritage and identity of its citizens, both within and outside its borders. It guarantees the rights of Albanians to preserve their ethnic, cultural, and linguistic identity, promoting inclusivity and equality for all minority groups. Additionally, the state aims to protect national heritage, including the Albanian language, fostering a sense of belonging and cultural continuity. Furthermore, it recognizes the importance of education in preserving cultural identity, ensuring the availability of education in the mother tongue and promoting cultural diversity through artistic expression and research. These

    Azərbaycan Respublikasının Meşə Məcəlləsi

    (The Forest Law of Azerbaijan Republic) The Forest Law of Azerbaijan outlines key concepts such as forest areas, forest relations, valuable forest reserves, and more. It emphasizes sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation, and the protection of valuable ecosystems. The code regulates the use, protection, and restoration of forests, ensuring compliance with international agreements and domestic legislation. It recognizes special forest areas, including those with cultural heritage significance, and specifies guidelines for their conservation. Forest utilization rights are granted to individuals and legal entities, with provisions for cultural heritage preservation embedded

    Zakon o varstvu kulturne dediščine (Cultural Heritage Protection Act) (ZVKD-1)(2008)

    This law establishes the framework for the protection, preservation, and management of cultural heritage in Slovenia. It defines cultural heritage as both tangible and intangible assets passed down from previous generations that reflect the values, identities, and traditions of the Slovenian people and other communities within the country. Key Points of the Act: Purpose and Scope: The Act aims to ensure the comprehensive preservation of cultural heritage, including both movable and immovable heritage. It covers archaeological finds, cultural landscapes, monuments, and intangible cultural heritage. Public Interest: The protection of cultural

    LEGE nr. 26 din 29 februarie 2008 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural imaterial

    This law focuses on intangible cultural heritage. It starts with a first chapter on general considerations (including definitions of the operational terms), followed by a second chapter on traditional cultural expressions, which are considered to be spoken works (e.g. fairytales), non-spoken works (e.g. dancing), syncretic works (e.g. songs with instrumentation), arts and crafts, as well as recipes and guidelines for preparing foods, construction materials or textiles. The third chapter outlines the protection measures for this type of heritage, followed by a chapter on the institutions and bodies with responsibilities on

    LEGE nr. 26 din 29 februarie 2008 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural imaterial

    This law focuses on intangible cultural heritage. It starts with a first chapter on general considerations (including definitions of the operational terms), followed by a second chapter on traditional cultural expressions, which are considered to be spoken works (e.g. fairytales), non-spoken works (e.g. dancing), syncretic works (e.g. songs with instrumentation), arts and crafts, as well as recipes and guidelines for preparing foods, construction materials or textiles. The third chapter outlines the protection measures for this type of heritage, followed by a chapter on the institutions and bodies with responsibilities on

    LEGE nr. 6 din 9 ianuarie 2008 privind regimul juridic al patrimoniului tehnic şi industrial

    The law concerns the protection of technical and industrial heritage. It starts by providing a typology (which includes, among others, constructions or industrial landscapes, as well as audio or video recordings linked to this topic). It then provides a list of institutions responsible for listing this type of heritage, as well as their general responsibilities. The law has three chapters and its length is significantly shorter compared to the laws that treat cultural heritage more broadly, such as LEGE nr. 422 din 18 iulie 2001 privind protejarea monumentelor istorice.

    Loi du 21 décembre 2007 modifiant et complétant la loi modifiée du 10 juin 1999 relative aux établissements classés

    This legislation amends and supplements existing laws related to classified establishments, focusing on environmental and public safety concerns. It introduces provisions that enhance the decision-making process for authorizations, updates, or refusals concerning specific types of establishments. The document emphasises the importance of considering public input and the best available techniques for environmental and personal protection in the decision-making process. Furthermore, the legislation extends the scope of associations eligible to appeal decisions regarding certain establishments, ensuring a broader representation of interests. It also specifies the appointment process and term duration for

    Loi du 21 décembre 2007

    In this legislation, the focus is on the protection of natural habitats and species, emphasising the importance of preserving biodiversity. The document highlights the modifications made to existing laws to enhance conservation efforts and ensure the sustainable management of natural resources. It introduces measures to safeguard specific habitats and species, aiming to maintain ecological balance and prevent degradation. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the establishment of a framework for evaluating the environmental impact of projects in protected areas. This includes the identification of sites crucial for the

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