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  • RÉSOLUTION EUROPÉENNE sur le respect de la diversité linguistique dans le fonctionnement des institutions de l ‘ Union européenne

    This legislation emphasises the significance of linguistic diversity and non-discrimination based on language within the European Union institutions. It calls for the mandatory teaching of at least two foreign languages in all EU educational systems to promote a multilingual European public sphere. The resolution urges EU institutions to enhance translation policies, involve member states in decision-making, and allocate translation resources transparently. Furthermore, the legislation advocates for effective communication with EU citizens in various languages, particularly concerning internal market operations and consumer information. It also highlights the importance of allowing new

    Απόφαση 2516/2009 του Συμβουλίου της Επικρατείας: Παράνομος χαρακτηρισμός διατηρητέου κτιρίου ως επικίνδυνα ετοιμόρροπης οικοδομής

    The decision of the Council of State 2516/2009 clarifies that the act of designation of a building as dangerously dilapidated is issued by a different procedure and has different legal consequences from the act of designation of a building as merely dilapidated. Documentation as to the nature and extent of the deficiencies or damage to the building is required. A listed building may be classified as dangerously dilapidated only where the competent committee has given specific reasons for excluding the possibility of saving the building by less severe means, in

    Acquisition and Disposal of Collections

    This legislation sets out the operational policy for Historic Scotland regarding the acquisition and disposal of historic objects and archaeological artefacts. It establishes guidelines for the management of collections, emphasising the importance of care, documentation, and adherence to accreditation standards. The policy aims to regulate the acquisition process, ensuring that items added to the collections align with specific criteria, such as historical association with properties in care or interpretative potential for public understanding. Furthermore, the legislation addresses the disposal of items from the collections, highlighting the inalienable nature of acquired

    საერთაშორისო კონვენცია არამატერიალური კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის დაცვის შესახებ

    The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is a pivotal document in the field of heritage. The Convention recognises the importance of intangible cultural heritage as a factor in intercultural exchange and mutual understanding. The document defines the intangible cultural heritage and highlights its role in shaping the identity and continuity of communities. The Convention outlines four main purposes: to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage, to ensure respect for it, to raise awareness of its importance, and to provide for international cooperation and assistance. The Convention defines

    Adoption Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

    The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is a pivotal document in the field of heritage. The Convention recognises the importance of intangible cultural heritage as a factor in intercultural exchange and mutual understanding. The document defines the intangible cultural heritage and highlights its role in shaping the identity and continuity of communities. The Convention outlines four main purposes: to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage, to ensure respect for it, to raise awareness of its importance, and to provide for international cooperation and assistance. The Convention defines

    Kazenski zakonik (Criminal Code) (Relevant Articles 218 & 219)( 2008)

    Criminal Code: Articles 218 and 219 of the Slovenian Criminal Code also address the protection of cultural heritage, particularly concerning offenses related to the illegal destruction, damage, or theft of cultural property. These provisions complement the Cultural Heritage Protection Act by establishing criminal penalties for actions that harm cultural heritage​

    Закон України Про Перелік пам’яток культурної спадщини, що не підлягають приватизації

    The law on the List of monuments of cultural heritage that are not subject to privatization consists of two chapters. Chapter I details a list of cultural heritage monuments exempt from privatization. It presents a structured table with four columns: the name of the heritage object, its creation date, location, and security number. This list encompasses heritage objects from various regions of Ukraine, including those in temporarily occupied territories. Chapter II concludes with final provisions regarding the implementation and enforcement of the law.

    HOTĂRÂRE nr. 886 din 20 august 2008 pentru aprobarea Normelor de clasare a bunurilor culturale mobile

    This is a short document referencing and setting into force NORME din 20 august 2008 de clasare a bunurilor culturale mobile. This is a document providing an overview of the procedures and criteria that goes in the listing of movable cultural assets. It starts by providing a typology of the assets that fall under this category, followed by a list of general criteria (e.g. age, state of conservation) and specific criteria (the historical and documentary value, memorial value, authenticity, author, workshop or school and the formal quality – he criterion

    Rundskriv V-18N 2008

    This legislation aims to provide guidance on the management of cemeteries and burial grounds. It identifies problems caused by the burial of human remains enclosed in plastic wrappings, which prevent their decomposition. The document details the legal obligation for municipalities to manage and maintain burial grounds while also ensuring that there is a sufficient amount of land allocated to cemeteries. Furthermore, it encourages church councils to communicate with municipal authorities regarding issues of plastic grave conservation and capacity so that simultaneous and effective decisions can be made. The guidelines also

    Article 311-4-2 du Code Pénal – Vol d’un bien culturel

    This legislation emphasises the protection of classified movable objects, private archival documents, archaeological discoveries, and cultural property in public domain locations. Violations of these provisions incur significant penalties, including imprisonment and substantial fines. The law aims to deter theft and unauthorised removal of culturally significant items, ensuring their safeguarding for future generations. By imposing strict consequences for theft of heritage items, the legislation serves as a deterrent against illicit activities that threaten the integrity and preservation of cultural artefacts. It underscores the importance of respecting and preserving historical and archaeological

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