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  • Loi du 24 avril 2016 modifiant la loi modifiée du 5 juin 2009 portant création de l’Administration de la nature et des forêts

    This legislation focuses on amending the law related to the Administration of Nature and Forests, emphasising the preservation and management of natural resources. It introduces a new provision granting a risk premium to specific technical personnel within the administration, aiming to enhance their role and incentivize their work in environmental conservation. Additionally, the legislation updates regulations concerning port waste management, aligning with European directives to improve environmental practices in maritime operations. The amendment underscores the government’s commitment to sustainable environmental practices and biodiversity conservation. By providing incentives to key personnel

    Decreto-Lei n.º 139/2009, de 15 de Junho: Regime jurídico de salvaguarda do património cultural imaterial

    The Decree-Law No. 139/2009 establishes the legal framework for safeguarding Portugal’s intangible cultural heritage. It is in line with the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage and recognises the importance of intangible cultural heritage in conjunction with other sectoral policies, and in the very internationalisation of Portuguese culture. The legislation encompasses measures for safeguarding and a legal protection procedure, emphasising the active involvement of communities, groups, and individuals. It introduces a public online database for the protection procedure and outlines the process for seeking opinions from relevant

    Decreto-Lei n.º 140/2009, de 15 de junho: Regime jurídico dos estudos, projectos, relatórios, obras ou intervenções sobre bens culturais classificados, em vias de classificação, de interesse nacional, de interesse público ou de interesse municipal

    This Decree-law establishes the legal framework for studies, projects, reports, works or interventions on cultural goods classified, or in the process of being classified, as being of national interest, of public interest or of municipal interest. It emphasises the necessity of a preliminary report to evaluate the proposed interventions’ impact and outlines the authorisation process. The document stipulates that works or interventions carried out directly or indirectly by the competent cultural heritage administration are subject to the required reports. However, the highest-ranking official of the relevant service can waive the

    Decreto-Lei n.º 138/2009, de 15 de Junho: Criação do Fundo de Salvaguarda do Património Cultural

    This decree-law creates the Cultural Heritage Safeguard Fund within the scope of the Ministry of Culture. Thus, measures to protect and value cultural heritage are reinforced with their own means of financing. This Fund responds to the need to safeguard cultural assets in emergency situations and meets the possibility of a programmed policy for the acquisition, rehabilitation, conservation and restoration of assets of relevant cultural interest. It complies with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 162/2008, of October 24, which determines the creation of a fund, within the


    This legislation aims to promote and facilitate outdoor recreation, nature experience, sports, and preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of Oslo and neighbouring municipalities. The law ensures that the border of the protected area, Marka, is preserved while maintaining a sustainable environment for other purposes. The law promotes eco-friendly living, protects flora and fauna, and maintains the varied landscape. The purpose of this law is to enhance access to nature and outdoor activities and to ensure that cultural and natural heritage sites are safeguarded. It aims to protect the

    Loi du 22 mai 2009 portant transposition de la directive 2004/48/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 29 avril 2004 relative au respect des droits de propriété intellectuelle et portant désignation des tribunaux des dessins ou modèles communautaires

    Luxembourg’s legislation on intellectual property rights is a comprehensive framework that aligns with EU directives to safeguard creators’ and innovators’ rights. The law addresses various aspects of intellectual property, including copyrights, neighbouring rights, patents, trademarks, and more. It establishes mechanisms for enforcing these rights, such as obtaining measures of description to protect against infringement. Additionally, the legislation outlines procedures for handling confidential information during investigations to ensure the integrity of intellectual property rights. One of the key features of this legislation is the provision for expert reports to be submitted

    Zákon č. 206/2009 Z. z.Zákon o múzeách a o galériách a o ochrane predmetov kultúrnej hodnoty a o zmene zákona Slovenskej národnej rady č. 372/1990 Zb. o priestupkoch v znení neskorších predpisov

    This law regulates: 1. The status and tasks of museums and galleries, their establishment and closure, the conditions for the exercise of basic professional activities in museums and galleries in the acquisition, protection and presentation of cultural objects as part of cultural heritage; 2. The protection of cultural objects which are registered under this Act and are not protected and registered under special regulations in the field of cultural heritage protection. 3. A cultural object is an original material or spiritual document that has the ability to testify, directly or

    Décret relatif à la transmission de la mémoire des crimes de génocide, des crimes contre l’humanité, des crimes de guerre et des faits de résistance ou des mouvements ayant résisté aux régimes qui ont suscité ces crimes

    This legislation focuses on the preservation and transmission of memory related to genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes, as well as resistance movements. It establishes criteria for the recognition of Centers of resources that play a vital role in documenting and disseminating historical knowledge. These centres are required to publish studies, articles, and comments, maintain accessible documentation, and have qualified staff for educational functions. The legislation emphasises collaboration with other stakeholders in the thematic area defined by the decree. Furthermore, the creation of a “Council of the transmission of

    Kulturgesetz, KG (Culture Act)

    The Kulturgesetz (KG) of the Canton Aargau is a comprehensive legislative document aimed at promoting and preserving cultural heritage within the region. It establishes the framework for supporting cultural institutions, initiatives, and events, ensuring that cultural diversity and historical heritage are protected and celebrated. The law outlines the responsibilities of various governmental and non-governmental bodies in fostering cultural activities, providing financial support, and facilitating public access to cultural assets. One of the primary objectives of the Kulturgesetz is to enhance the cultural landscape by encouraging collaboration between cultural organisations and

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