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  • ՀՀ օրենքը «Ոչ նյութական մշակութային ժառանգության մաuին»

    The Law on Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Armenia, adopted on October 7, 2009, stands as a pivotal legal framework aimed at safeguarding and promoting Armenia’s rich intangible cultural heritage. This law comprehensively addresses the preservation, documentation, and promotion of customs, traditions, knowledge, and expressions that constitute the essence of Armenian cultural identity. At its core, the law outlines a structured approach to identifying and documenting various aspects of intangible cultural heritage, encompassing folklore, language, music, dance, theatre, rituals, craftsmanship, and culinary traditions. It emphasizes the importance of

    Law on “Intangible Cultural Heritage”

    The Law on Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Armenia, adopted on October 7, 2009, stands as a pivotal legal framework aimed at safeguarding and promoting Armenia’s rich intangible cultural heritage. This law comprehensively addresses the preservation, documentation, and promotion of customs, traditions, knowledge, and expressions that constitute the essence of Armenian cultural identity. At its core, the law outlines a structured approach to identifying and documenting various aspects of intangible cultural heritage, encompassing folklore, language, music, dance, theatre, rituals, craftsmanship, and culinary traditions. It emphasizes the importance of

    Règlement grand-ducal du 26 août 2009 portant création d’un Centre de documentation sur la forteresse de Luxembourg auprès du Musée national d’histoire et d’art

    This legislation establishes a “Centre de documentation sur la Forteresse de Luxembourg” within the National Museum of History and Art, tasked with managing the Fortress Museum at the “Dräi Eechelen” site and enhancing the preservation of entrusted documents and objects. The Centre’s responsibilities include visitor reception, museum maintenance, document collection, multilingual guided tours, temporary exhibitions, scientific research on Luxembourg’s Fortress and national identity, and collaboration with academic and public/private partners for research and exhibition projects. Additionally, the Centre collaborates with the European Institute of Cultural Routes for cross-border fortified site

    Iverksetting av markaloven

    This legislation provides valuable information on the implementation of the Land Act, which aims to promote and facilitate outdoor activities, nature experiences, and sports while also preserving the boundaries of Marka and its diverse cultural and natural landscapes. The document outlines how the Act’s purpose affects local planning and decision-making, especially with regard to building and construction projects, whether they are approved or otherwise. The Act also provides guidelines for forestry, which is still regulated by the Forestry Act. Overall, this legislation is a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts

    Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 70/2009, de 21 de agosto: Programa de Recuperação do Património Classificado

    This resolution creates the Programme for the Recovery of Classified Heritage and defines the guidelines by which this Programme will be run during its first three-year period. This program aims to promote the recognition of the cultural, economic, and touristic importance of Portuguese built heritage as a key element in preserving national memory and identity. This programme follows a model based on a voluntary, patronage-based partnership between the private sector and the state, in the pursuit of the public interest, in a national plan to restore classified heritage. The agreements

    Resolution 1604 on Ratification of the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention “for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict”, signed at The Hague on 26 March 1999

    The document contains the provisions and protocols for the protection of cultural property during armed conflicts. The document outlines the application of these protocols in various situations and defines the relationship between Chapter 3 and other provisions of the Convention and this Protocol. It includes general provisions regarding the safeguarding of cultural property and the respect for cultural property. One key point is that the provisions of this Protocol apply when one party to an armed conflict is not bound by it, as long as the other Party accepts the

    ჰააგის 1954 წლის კონვენციის მეორე ოქმთან შეერთების თაობაზე # 1604

    The document contains the provisions and protocols for the protection of cultural property during armed conflicts. The document outlines the application of these protocols in various situations and defines the relationship between Chapter 3 and other provisions of the Convention and this Protocol. It includes general provisions regarding the safeguarding of cultural property and the respect for cultural property. One key point is that the provisions of this Protocol apply when one party to an armed conflict is not bound by it, as long as the other Party accepts the

    Real Decreto 1305/2009, de 31 de julio, por el que se crea la Red de Museos de España

    The Royal Decree regulating Network of Spanish Museums outlines its primary objectives, which include promoting a plural museum concept that integrates diverse perspectives and engages various social agents. The aim is to provide visitors with a museum experience that is both attractive and participatory, fostering critical education through scientific popularisation. By embracing inclusivity, the network seeks to ensure accessibility to culture for all citizens, particularly those with disabilities, thereby fulfilling its social commitments and relevance to society. Central to these objectives is the goal of fostering democratic values and citizenship

    Règlement grand-ducal du 19 mai 2009 déterminant la mission, la composition et le fonctionnement de la Commission de surveillance de la classification des films

    This legislation addresses crucial aspects of heritage preservation and management within Luxembourg. It delves into the legal framework surrounding the protection of the environment in the context of transportation infrastructure projects. The document outlines laws and regulations concerning the evaluation of environmental impacts on both public and private projects, emphasising the need for sustainable development practices. Furthermore, it highlights the legislative foundations governing land transport infrastructure, focusing on the creation of major communication routes and road funds. The laws discussed aim to ensure the efficient management and maintenance of transportation

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