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  • Laki opetus- ja kulttuuritoimen rahoituksesta

    This legislation outlines crucial funding mechanisms and provisions for education and cultural activities in Finland, impacting the heritage sector significantly. It delves into the evaluation of energy efficiency, emphasising the importance of sustainable practices in heritage preservation and cultural institutions. The law sets guidelines for assessing technical quality, safety, and energy efficiency in heritage projects, ensuring a balance between modernization and preservation efforts. Furthermore, the document details funding percentages and criteria for state subsidies allocated to museums and cultural entities, directly influencing the financial support available for heritage preservation initiatives.

    Valtioneuvoston asetus opetus- ja kulttuuritoimen rahoituksesta

    This legislation outlines the criteria and funding mechanisms for various cultural and educational projects, including the establishment of museums, theatres, and sports facilities. It specifies the requirements for funding eligibility, such as minimum cost thresholds for project initiation. Additionally, the document details the responsibilities of the relevant authorities in overseeing the allocation and management of funds for heritage-related initiatives. The legislation emphasises the importance of proper planning and documentation in heritage projects, requiring detailed reports on costs, revenues, and project timelines. It also addresses the need for accurate financial forecasting

    Valtioneuvoston asetus saamenkieliseen ja saamen kielen opetukseen perusopetuksessa, lukiossa ja ammatillisessa koulutuksessa  myönnettävän valtionavustuksen perusteista

    This legislation sets out the guidelines for state funding allocated to support Saami language education in primary, secondary, and vocational schools. It focuses on providing financial assistance based on the number of teaching hours and the requirement of a minimum of three students per class. The funding aims to cover the average personnel costs of teaching staff, distributed in two instalments per year. The document emphasises the importance of preserving and promoting the Saami language and culture through education. By supporting Saami language instruction in schools, the legislation contributes to

    Retningslinjer for forvaltning av desentralisert ordning for tilskudd til kulturbygg

    This legislation provides guidelines for the decentralised allocation of subsidies for the construction and maintenance of cultural buildings in Norway. The document emphasises the need for adherence to building and planning regulations, as well as quality assurance in planning and universal design principles. Cultural buildings that receive subsidies are expected to be accessible and to promote cultural activities for at least 20 years after the funding is granted. The legislation also requires detailed reporting on the allocation and use of funds, as well as information on the categories of buildings

    Federal Act on the National Languages and Understanding between the Linguistic Communities

    The Swiss Federal Act on National Languages and Understanding between Linguistic Communities aims to promote multilingualism and enhance mutual understanding among Switzerland’s diverse linguistic groups. The law seeks to preserve and foster the use of the country’s four national languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. The primary themes of the law include ensuring equal status and use of national languages, promoting bilingualism and trilingualism in official contexts, and supporting cultural exchange programs. It mandates the federal government to facilitate language learning and encourages the cantons to adopt measures that reflect

    Règlement grand-ducal du 6 novembre 2009 portant désignation des zones spéciales de conservation

    In this legislation, the focus is on the conservation and restoration of natural habitats and ecosystems in Luxembourg. The document outlines specific measures aimed at maintaining favourable conditions and expanding the surface area of forests, alluvial forests, and oak and beech forests. It also emphasises the importance of preserving and restoring specific vegetation types and species within designated conservation zones. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the objectives of conservation, including improving water quality, protecting river ecosystems, and safeguarding populations of various plant and animal species. It underscores the significance of maintaining

    Règlement grand-ducal du 6 novembre 2009 déterminant l’organisation de la formation préparant au «Zertifikat Lëtzebuerger Sprooch a Kultur»

    This legislation addresses various aspects of heritage preservation and management, impacting the cultural and historical landscape significantly. It delves into the organisation of tax offices related to income tax withholding, providing a framework for efficient financial administration within the heritage sector. Additionally, the regulations concerning road intersections and boat visits on the Rhine highlight the importance of infrastructure management in heritage sites, ensuring safe and regulated access for visitors and residents alike. Furthermore, the document outlines language certification criteria, emphasising the significance of linguistic diversity and cultural heritage preservation. It

    Decreto-Lei nº 307/2009, de 23 de outubro: aprova o regime jurídico da reabilitação urbana

    The decree-law establishes the legal framework for urban rehabilitation in urban rehabilitation areas. It defines terms like “accessibility” and outlines procedures for urban rehabilitation plans. It emphasises the importance of integrating urban planning policies and cultural heritage preservation. The legislation allows for the conversion of critical recovery and urban redevelopment areas into urban rehabilitation areas through municipal assembly decisions. It also addresses the interests of stakeholders involved in the rehabilitation process, including property owners and rights holders. The law sets out procedures for expropriation, valuation, and potential reallocation of properties

    Decreto-Lei n.º 309/2009, de 23 de outubro: Procedimento de classificação dos bens imóveis de interesse cultural

    This decree-law defines the procedure for classifying immovable cultural property, establishes the regime for protection zones and determines the rules for drawing up the detailed safeguard plan. The course of the administrative classification procedure is laid down in accordance with the sequence of acts provided for in Law no. 107/2001, of September 8 – which lays down the foundations of the policy and regime for the protection and valorization of cultural heritage – from the initiative to open the procedure, through to the establishment of the special protection zone and

    Directive 2009/125/EC establishing a framework for the setting of eco-design requirements for energy-related products

    The legislation in question sets out the energy efficiency requirements for energy-using products in the European Union. The Directive (full-title, Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products (recast) (Text with EEA relevance)) outlines product information, such as energy consumption and performance, and strives to reduce the environmental impact of energy-using products throughout their life-cycle. The legislation also requires manufacturers to provide product information to the market and sets out procedures for

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