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    This legislation aims to safeguard the temporal and regional diversity of the built cultural environment, preserving its unique characteristics and promoting culturally sustainable maintenance. It establishes a framework for protecting heritage buildings by outlining the process for proposing buildings for protection and the criteria for assessing their historical significance. The law requires written applications justifying the need for protection and specifying the reasons for deviation from protection decisions. Furthermore, the legislation mandates that applications for protection can be submitted by various entities, including owners, government authorities, and cultural heritage organisations.

    Act on the return and transfer of stolen or illegally exported cultural objects

    The uploaded legislation focuses on the regulation surrounding the return and transfer of stolen or illegally exported cultural objects. This legislation aims to uphold the international agreements concerning cultural heritage protection and to ensure the repatriation of significant cultural artifacts to their rightful owners or countries. The law sets out clear definitions and conditions under which cultural objects must be returned if they have been stolen or illegally exported. It emphasizes the importance of adhering to the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects, to which Denmark

    Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings

    This legislation aims to improve energy efficiency across the European Union by the energy performance of buildings. Directive 2010/31/EU sets out guidelines for calculating the energy performance of buildings, requiring a methodology to be adopted at a national or regional level. The legislation also includes measures to support the renovation of buildings to achieve energy efficiency targets. One notable aspect of the directive is its emphasis on the establishment of long-term renovation strategies by each member state. These strategies must be created with input from the public and include policies

    Loi du 18 février 2010 relative aux mesures d’achèvement du Musée de la Forteresse de Luxembourg dans le réduit du Fort Thüngen et de la mise en valeur de certaines parties de la forteresse de Luxembourg

    This legislation focuses on the completion of the Museum of the Luxembourg Fortress and the enhancement of specific areas within the fortress. It authorises the government to finalise the museum’s construction and improve various fortress sections, including the Fort Thüngen and the Vauban cultural route. The law aims to preserve and showcase Luxembourg’s historical heritage by implementing necessary architectural and museographic enhancements. The document outlines the allocated budget of 8,720,000 euros for the project, corresponding to the construction price index. It emphasises the importance of maintaining historical monuments and ensuring

    Loi 3827/2010 (30/25-02-2010): Convention Européenne du Paysage (Florence, 2000)

    The European Landscape Convention focuses on the protection, management, and planning of landscapes in Europe. It seeks to promote a balanced and sustainable approach to landscape management, recognizing the cultural, environmental, and social dimensions of landscapes and involving the public in decision-making processes. It underscores the importance of preserving and enhancing the quality of landscapes for the well-being of present and future generations. The convention provides a broad and inclusive definition of landscape. It considers landscape as an area perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action

    Νόμος 3827/2010 (30/25-02-2010): Κύρωση της Ευρωπαϊκής Σύμβασης του Τοπίου (Φλωρεντία, 2000)

    The European Landscape Convention focuses on the protection, management, and planning of landscapes in Europe. It seeks to promote a balanced and sustainable approach to landscape management, recognizing the cultural, environmental, and social dimensions of landscapes and involving the public in decision-making processes. It underscores the importance of preserving and enhancing the quality of landscapes for the well-being of present and future generations. The convention provides a broad and inclusive definition of landscape. It considers landscape as an area perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action

    Law 3827/2010 (30/25-02-2010): Ratification of European Landscape Convention (Florence, 2000)

    The European Landscape Convention focuses on the protection, management, and planning of landscapes in Europe. It seeks to promote a balanced and sustainable approach to landscape management, recognizing the cultural, environmental, and social dimensions of landscapes and involving the public in decision-making processes. It underscores the importance of preserving and enhancing the quality of landscapes for the well-being of present and future generations. The convention provides a broad and inclusive definition of landscape. It considers landscape as an area perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action

    Cultural policies – Spain

    Explore the Spanish legislation provided to delve into the intricate realm of heritage preservation and conservation. This legal framework outlines crucial guidelines and regulations aimed at safeguarding Spain’s rich historical heritage. It delves into the significance of heritage groups, emphasizing the identification, inventory, and conservation value assessment. This overview elucidates plans such as the Cathedrals Information Plan, Cultural Landscapes Project, and Defensive Architecture Plan, each playing a pivotal role in heritage preservation strategies. Moreover, the text delves into the Law of Historical Heritage, emphasizing the acquisition of cultural property and

    The 20-Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010–2030

    As part of a 20-year strategy for the promotion and development of the Irish language, the European Heritage report provides valuable insights into the importance of the language as the oldest spoken literary language in Europe. The report’s key aim is to provide a vision for the language’s future development, and a comprehensive set of policy recommendations and specific objectives to achieve that vision by 2030. The report starts by highlighting the context of the Irish language in Ireland. As the first official language in accordance with article 8 of

    Memorandum of Understanding between the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta for Cooperation in the Fields of Protection, Preservation, Promotion and Management Art

    The MoU establishes a cooperation between the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) and the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta (MFA), that is the current Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade. The parties identified the following areas of cooperation: a) Conferences, seminars and workshops; b) Skills development; c) Development of standards and guidelines; d) Sharing best practices on preservation and conservation, results from examination of the role of conservation in community revitalisation and the development of key tools; e) Meetings; f) Educational initiatives;

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