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  • Law 3914/2011: Ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Greece and China on cooperation in the prevention of theft, illegal excavation, import and export of cultural property.

    The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Greece and China introduces bilateral cooperation to combat the theft, illegal excavation, import and export of cultural property, in accordance with the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970). The MoU outlines strategies and measures to prevent the theft of cultural property and to combat illicit trafficking. This includes cooperation in intelligence sharing, monitoring the art market, and implementing measures to identify and recover stolen cultural items. It also encourages

    Law 3915/2011 (Α/ 20 / 17-02-2011): Ratification of the Agreement between Switzerland and Greece on the import, transit and repatriation of cultural goods.

    The law regulates the import, transit and repatriation of cultural property between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of the Hellenic Republic, in application of the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970). The agreement aims at regulating the movement of cultural artifacts, ensuring their legal provenance, and facilitating cooperation in the prevention of illicit trafficking. The agreement defines that claims for repatriation by a Party are subject to a statute of limitation of one

    Law 3914/2011 (Α 19 / 16.02.2011): Ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Culture of the Hellenic Republic and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of the People’s Republic of China on cooperation in the prevention of theft, illegal excavation, import and export of cultural property.

    Bilateral cooperation to combat the theft, illegal excavation, import and export of cultural property, in accordance with the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970).

    Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011

    The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 is a significant document that regulates and promotes the use of the Welsh language in Wales. The measure empowers the Welsh Language Commissioner to enforce the provisions of the law and safeguard the rights of Welsh speakers. The main purpose of the measure is to regulate the use of the Welsh language by public authorities and private organisations in Wales. It aims to ensure that Welsh speakers have equal rights and access to public services, education, and employment opportunities. The measure also establishes the

    Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011

    The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 is a significant document that regulates and promotes the use of the Welsh language in Wales. The measure empowers the Welsh Language Commissioner to enforce the provisions of the law and safeguard the rights of Welsh speakers. The main purpose of the measure is to regulate the use of the Welsh language by public authorities and private organisations in Wales. It aims to ensure that Welsh speakers have equal rights and access to public services, education, and employment opportunities. The measure also establishes the

    Legge sulla protezione della natura e del paesaggio del Cantone dei Grigioni, LCNP (Law on the Protection of Nature and Landscape of the Canton of Graubünden)

    The “Legge sulla protezione della natura e del paesaggio del Cantone dei Grigioni” is a vital legislative document dedicated to the preservation of natural landscapes and cultural heritage in the Canton of Graubünden. This law underscores the region’s dedication to environmental stewardship and the protection of its diverse ecological and cultural landscapes. It sets forth a comprehensive framework to ensure the sustainable management and conservation of natural habitats, scenic areas, and historical sites. The law delineates specific measures for the protection of various natural environments, including forests, wetlands, and alpine

    Lege Nr. LP218/2010 din 17.09.2010 privind protejarea patrimoniului arheologic

    The law outlined in these pages details the regulations surrounding the protection, preservation, and restoration of archeological heritage in Moldova. The law lays out requirements for carrying out research and conservation work through interdisciplinary studies and technical documentation. It also mandates the coordination of all underground and underwater construction projects with the National Archeological Agency and the inclusion of measures for the protection of archeological sites in project budgets. The law also provides guidelines for the certification of individuals and entities authorized to undertake research, conservation and restoration work. It

    Kultur 2020: Kunstpolitik für Baden-Württemberg

    The report offers an in-depth examination of the cultural landscape in Baden-Württemberg, emphasising the critical role of art and culture in society. It explores cultural diversity, education, and intercultural dialogue, aiming to create an inclusive cultural environment accessible to all citizens. The policy outlines the state’s dedication to financially supporting cultural institutions, preserving cultural heritage, and fostering a dynamic cultural ecosystem. It details the responsibilities of various ministries and the role of the State Art Advisory Board as an independent body of experts, alongside the mechanisms for funding cultural initiatives.

    Համաձայնագիր կրթական, գիտական և մշակութային բնույթի նյութերի ներմուծման մասին

    The Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials, adopted in 1950 in Florence, Italy, serves as a pivotal international framework aimed at facilitating the unrestricted flow of educational, scientific, and cultural materials across borders. For Armenia, a country rich in cultural heritage and with a strong emphasis on education and science, this agreement holds significant importance. Firstly, the Agreement ensures that Armenia, as a Contracting State, can import books, publications, and educational materials from other member states without being subjected to customs duties or charges. This provision

    Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials, with Annexes A to E and Protocol annexed. Florence, 17 June 1950.

    The Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials, adopted in 1950 in Florence, Italy, serves as a pivotal international framework aimed at facilitating the unrestricted flow of educational, scientific, and cultural materials across borders. For Armenia, a country rich in cultural heritage and with a strong emphasis on education and science, this agreement holds significant importance. Firstly, the Agreement ensures that Armenia, as a Contracting State, can import books, publications, and educational materials from other member states without being subjected to customs duties or charges. This provision

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