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  • Nόμος 4067/2012 (79 / 02-04-2012): Νέος Οικοδομικός Κανονισμός

    Article 6 of Law 4067/2012 – the New General Construction Code (NOK) – refers to the definition and protection of architectural heritage. Designation and protection of Listed Buildings: It extends the ‘subject’ of protection, stating that individual buildings or parts of buildings or building complexes, as well as elements of the surrounding environment (e.g. courtyards, gardens, doorways, and fountains) as well as individual elements of urban (urban or rural) equipment (e.g. squares, fountains, walkways, and bridges), may be designated as listed buildings. The law states that it is possible to

    Lege Nr. 58 din 29-03-2012 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural imaterial

    The legal framework for identifying, documenting, researching, conserving, transmitting, promoting, revitalising, and valuing intangible cultural heritage in the Republic of Moldova is established by Law Nr. LP58/2012. The law aims to protect intangible cultural heritage as part of the national cultural heritage, cultivate respect for the intangible cultural heritage of communities, groups, and, as applicable, individuals to ensure recognition of heritage values at the local and national levels. The law recognizes the role of local public administration authorities in protecting the intangible cultural heritage of their communities. It requires them

    Loi fédérale sur l’encouragement de la culture (Federal Act on the Promotion of Culture)

    The Swiss Federal Act on the Promotion of Culture focuses on the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. Its purpose is to establish a legal framework that ensures the preservation, accessibility, and sustainability of cultural assets. Key themes include safeguarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage, promoting cultural diversity, and integrating cultural heritage into public consciousness. The law also emphasises the importance of cooperation between federal, cantonal, and municipal authorities in managing cultural resources. Significant points include the establishment of measures for the documentation, conservation, and restoration of cultural properties. It

    Lege Nr. 280 din 27-12-2011 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural naţional mobil

    This document provides a comprehensive overview of the legal framework for the protection and preservation of Moldova’s national mobile cultural heritage. With a focus on the management and conservation of movable heritage in the country, the analysis is based on national legislation and aligns with the standards and policies of the European Union. The document aims to provide practitioners and enthusiasts in the field of Heritage with a detailed understanding of the legal framework governing movable cultural heritage, including the regulations for its identification, classification, and conservation. The document outlines

    Постанова Кабміну України N1343 Про затвердження Порядку проведення державної експертизи культурних цінностей та розмірів плати за її проведення

    This Resolution regulates the issues of state expertise of cultural property declared for export, temporary export and returned to Ukraine after temporary export, as well as seized by customs or law enforcement agencies. To conduct the expertise, the applicant shall submit to the Ministry of Culture or an authorized organization a written application indicating the purpose of export, temporary export from the territory of Ukraine of cultural property from the territory of Ukraine and presents an identity document. An official of the Ministry of Culture or an art historian conducts

    Loi du 13 septembre 2011 modifiant la loi modifiée du 10 juin 1999 relative aux établissements classés

    This legislation introduces significant amendments to the law governing classified establishments in Luxembourg, impacting heritage preservation and environmental protection. The amendments focus on streamlining administrative processes, enhancing public consultation, and ensuring compliance with zoning regulations. They aim to improve the efficiency of authorization procedures for heritage-related activities while safeguarding natural resources and heritage sites. One key aspect of the amendments is the establishment of clear timelines for completing application dossiers and processing requests. This ensures that heritage projects are assessed promptly and in accordance with legal requirements. Additionally, the legislation

    Décret relatif au soutien au cinéma et à la création audiovisuelle

    This legislation provides comprehensive guidelines and criteria for the development and support of the audiovisual and cinema industry in Belgium, particularly focusing on the French-speaking region and the bilingual region of Brussels. It outlines specific requirements and procedures for obtaining financial aid and assistance for various aspects of audiovisual production, distribution, and promotion. The document emphasises the importance of promoting Belgian audiovisual works and supporting the cultural heritage of the region. One key aspect covered in the legislation is the establishment of criteria for different types of audiovisual works, such

    Постанова Кабміну України №21 Про затвердження критерію, за яким оцінюється ступінь ризику від провадження господарської діяльності та визначається періодичність здійснення планових заходів державного нагляду (контролю) щодо об’єктів культурної спадщини

    Resolution establishes two risk levels – high and medium. Business entities with a high degree of risk include those that carry out construction, reclamation, road, and earthworks on cultural heritage sites, their territories, in protection zones, in archaeological areas, and in the historical areas of settlements. Business entities with a medium risk level include business entities that: • carry out agricultural activities on the territory of cultural heritage sites, in protection zones, in archaeological areas, in the historical areas of settlements; • use cultural heritage sites to accommodate enterprises, institutions

    The Museum Act

    The Museum Act establishes the framework for organizing museum activities to preserve Iceland’s cultural and natural heritage and ensure public access and understanding. It applies to state-owned and recognized museums, excluding libraries and archives. The act defines the roles of various types of museums, including main, recognized, and responsible museums, and outlines their responsibilities in collection, preservation, and public engagement. It also creates a Museum Fund to support museum operations and projects, with the Minister and Museum Council overseeing the implementation and regulation of museum activities.

    Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Oö. Kulturförderungsgesetz (Cultural Promotion Act of Upper Austria)

    The Upper Austrian Cultural Promotion Act (Oö. Kulturförderungsgesetz) adopted in 2011, is the comprehensive legal framework for culture promotion and protection of cultural heritage. The law recognises the importance that culture plays for the quality of life and deems it essential for a “menschenwürdiges Dasein” (dignified existence). The independence and freedom of the individual on the one hand, and the necessity of interrelationships and dialogue on the other, are considered the basic conditions for culture to strive. The Act gives special priority to contemporary creation and new forms of cultural

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