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  • S.I. No. 243_2012 – European Union Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations 2012.

    The EU Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations of 2012 aim to improve the energy efficiency performance of both new and existing buildings. The regulations apply to all buildings intended for human occupation and have significant implications for owners and operators in the heritage sector. The legislation requires that all buildings undergo a Building Energy Rating (BER) assessment and that the BER rating be stated in any advertisements relating to the sale or letting of a building. In addition to the BER assessment, an advisory report must also be produced which

    Utvida investeringsramme – rentekompensasjonsordninga for kyrkjebygg

    This legislation aims to support the restoration and preservation of churches and church antiquities defined in the Ecclesiastical Law § 17. The extended investment framework for interest compensation program expands the financing provided by the Norwegian Government to cover the cost of restoring and renovating churches in need. The program provides financial support for restoration and refurbishment of religious structures and church art with antique value. It does not cover the cost of regular maintenance work on the buildings. The legislation sets the minimum cost of eligible projects at 100,000

    Azərbaycan Respublikasının Şəhərsalma Və Tikinti Məcəlləsi

    (Republic of Azerbaijan Urbanization and Construction Law) The Azerbaijan Urbanization and Construction Law establishes the legal foundation for urban planning and construction activities in the country. The regulation prioritizes principles such as socio-economic development, individual interest protection, and ecological safety. State responsibilities encompass land planning, licensing, oversight, and international treaty compliance. Municipal roles involve planning, project execution, financial resource allocation, and construction-related information management. Key principles include ensuring healthful living conditions, safety, ecological security, and preserving historical and cultural heritage.

    National Library of Scotland Act 2012

    This legislation focuses on the functions and governance of the National Library of Scotland, emphasising its role in promoting education, research, and the understanding of Scotland’s national culture. It highlights the responsibilities of the National Library of Scotland (NLS) in providing advice, information, and assistance to the Scottish Ministers, as well as the importance of promoting diversity in accessing its collections. The Act also addresses the preservation and conservation of legal publications, including electronic materials, and outlines the process for making these resources available to relevant entities. Furthermore, the legislation

    Kantonales Kulturförderungsgesetz, KKFG (Cantonal Cultural Promotion Act)

    The “Kantonales Kulturförderungsgesetz” (Cantonal Cultural Promotion Act) of the Canton of Bern is designed to enhance and support cultural development within the canton. This legislation outlines the framework for financial support, strategic planning, and coordination of cultural activities and institutions. The law mandates the creation of cultural policies that prioritise the preservation of cultural heritage, promotion of artistic creation, and accessibility of cultural resources to the public. It emphasises collaboration between public and private entities and the importance of cultural education. Key points include the establishment of funding mechanisms for

    Act on Cultural Heritage

    The “Act on Cultural Heritage” aims to safeguard Icelandic cultural heritage for future generations by protecting artefacts, landscapes, and structures of historical significance. The Act defines national monuments, treasures, and antiquities, and sets regulations for their preservation and research. It establishes the Cultural Heritage Agency of Iceland, responsible for the implementation of heritage conservation, and details the roles of various committees and councils in advising and assisting the Agency. The Act includes provisions for fines and penalties for non-compliance and outlines the procedures for managing and protecting cultural heritage, including

    საქართველოს მთავრობის დადგენილება #181 კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის დამცავი ზონების შემუშავების წესების შესახებ

    This European Heritage document is a comprehensive guide to the process of creating and implementing protection zones for cultural heritage and historical landscapes in Georgia. The document sets out the legal framework, requirements, and procedures for the development of protection zone projects, providing detailed explanations and examples for each step of the process. The document focuses on the importance of identifying and protecting cultural heritage and historical landscapes in order to preserve and promote Georgia’s rich history and unique identity. It emphasizes the need for collaboration between various stakeholders, including

    Resolution of the Government of Georgia #181 On the rules for the development of cultural heritage protection zones

    This European Heritage document is a comprehensive guide to the process of creating and implementing protection zones for cultural heritage and historical landscapes in Georgia. The document sets out the legal framework, requirements, and procedures for the development of protection zone projects, providing detailed explanations and examples for each step of the process. The document focuses on the importance of identifying and protecting cultural heritage and historical landscapes in order to preserve and promote Georgia’s rich history and unique identity. It emphasizes the need for collaboration between various stakeholders, including

    Baugesetz (Building Law)

    The Baugesetz of the Canton Appenzell Innerrhoden is a fundamental legal document that governs building and land-use regulations within the canton. It establishes comprehensive guidelines and standards to ensure orderly and sustainable development while preserving the region’s architectural heritage and natural landscapes. This law sets out the responsibilities of public authorities, private individuals, and organisations in planning, constructing, and maintaining buildings and infrastructure. A key theme of the Baugesetz is the balance between development and conservation. The document mandates that any new construction or renovation projects must align with the

    Decreto Ministeriale 18 aprile 2012, “Adozione linee guida per la costituzione e la valorizzazione dei parchi archeologici” (Ministerial Decree of 18 April 2012, ‘Adoption of Guidelines for the Establishment and Enhancement of Archaeological Parks)

    The Decreto Ministeriale del 18 aprile 2012, “Adozione delle linee guida per la costituzione e la valorizzazione dei parchi archeologici,” establishes comprehensive guidelines for the creation and enhancement of archaeological parks in Italy. This decree, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale on August 2, 2012, aims to provide a structured approach to preserving and promoting Italy’s rich archaeological heritage. The guidelines emphasise the importance of defining essential characteristics, objectives, and procedures for the development and management of archaeological parks. These elements are crucial for ensuring high-quality standards and protecting the cultural,

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