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  • Loi du 13 septembre 2012

    Luxembourg’s climate pact legislation introduces a framework for municipalities to actively engage in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting environmental sustainability. The law establishes a structured approach for municipalities to implement emission reduction programs, emphasising the importance of achieving the “European Energy Award®” certification. This certification serves as a quality benchmark for municipalities committed to effective emission reduction strategies. One of the key features of the legislation is the provision of state subsidies to incentivize municipalities to participate in the climate pact. These subsidies are contingent on the municipality’s successful

    Laki Taiteen edistämiskeskuksesta

    This legislation establishes the Art Promotion Centre to advance art nationally and internationally. The Centre’s key responsibilities include promoting art and culture, enhancing artists’ working conditions, and supporting their livelihoods through grants and awards. It also plays a crucial role in providing expert opinions, contributing to strategic art-related initiatives, and collaborating with regional art committees. The law empowers the Centre to make decisions on artist funding, offer specialised insights, and support national art endeavours. Furthermore, the legislation outlines the framework for the Centre’s operations, emphasising its role in fostering artistic

    RÉSOLUTION EUROPÉENNE sur les Capitales européennes de la culture

    This legislative text addresses the European Union’s initiative for the “European Capitals of Culture” from 2020 to 2033. The initiative aims to foster a shared cultural identity among EU citizens by designating cities to host cultural events that highlight the richness and diversity of European culture. The policy’s primary goal is to bring citizens together through the celebration of common cultural heritage. The program is recognized as the most visible and prestigious aspect of the EU’s cultural actions, emphasising the importance of showcasing cultural diversity and reinforcing European unity. The

    Règlement grand-ducal du 30 novembre 2012 portant désignation des zones de protection spéciale

    This legislation focuses on the designation of Special Protection Zones to preserve and restore habitats for various bird species, emphasising the conservation of biodiversity and ecological coherence within the Natura 2000 network. It aims to maintain favourable conditions for bird populations, particularly during nesting, migration, and wintering periods, by managing visitor flows and protecting sensitive areas. The document outlines specific objectives for each protected zone, such as maintaining diverse landscapes, improving water quality, and restoring specific habitats crucial for bird conservation. The legislation underscores the importance of maintaining and enhancing

    Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011

    This legislation outlines comprehensive regulations concerning wildlife and natural environments in Scotland, impacting heritage preservation and conservation efforts significantly. It delves into specific provisions regarding birds, deer, and muirburn practices, aiming to protect and sustain these vital aspects of Scotland’s natural heritage. The Act establishes strict guidelines for the protection of certain bird species, including restrictions on killing them on specific days, emphasising the importance of conservation and sustainable practices. Moreover, the legislation addresses the management of deer populations, requiring registration for deer shooting activities and the submission of cull

    Përmbledhje Legjislacioni Për Personat Me Aftësi Të Kufizuara

    The Legislation for Persons with Disabilities is a legislative regulation which emphasises ensuring equal participation in cultural activities for persons with disabilities, including access to cultural materials, venues, and sports facilities. They mandate measures for accessibility in social buildings and allow for exceptions in cultural object restoration to avoid damaging their values. Overall, the legislation aims to promote cultural heritage conservation by ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in cultural and recreational activities while also considering the protection of cultural objects during restoration processes. Legislation for individuals with disabilities guarantees equal participation

    Orphan Works Directive [Directive 2012/28/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on certain permitted uses of orphan works]

    Copyright legislation impacts the activities of cultural heritage institutions whose collections often contain materials that are subject to copyright or neighbouring rights protection. While not all items in the collections of cultural heritage institutions are subject to copyright, some are, resulting in cultural heritage professionals having to put processes in place to manage these rights. This becomes particularly relevant when cultural heritage institutions undergo digitisation projects with the aim of making these materials widely available to the public and facilitate their reuse. The orphan works Directive created a legal solution

    Gesetz über den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz, NatG (Law on the Protection of Nature and Landscape)

    The “Gesetz über den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz (NatG)” regulates the preservation of the natural environment and landscape in the canton of Fribourg. This law underscores the region’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development. It provides comprehensive guidelines and regulations designed to protect natural habitats, landscapes, and biodiversity from the adverse effects of human activities. The NatG outlines specific measures to safeguard various elements of the natural environment, including forests, water bodies, and wildlife. It mandates careful planning and management practices to ensure that any development or land use changes

    Lei nº 55/2012, de 6 de setembro: Ação do Estado no âmbito do cinema e atividades audiovisuais

    This Law – amended by Law no. 28/2014, by Law no. 82-B/2014, and by Law no. 74/2020, which transposes EU Directive 2018/1808 into national law – establishes the principles of state action within the framework of the promotion, development and protection of the art of cinema and cinematographic and audiovisual activities. The law also addresses financial support for the creation of national cinematographic works and independent audiovisual production and includes information on the obligations of subscription television operators to invest in national cinematographic and audiovisual works. Additionally, the law discusses

    Lei nº 32/2012, de 14 de agosto: medidas destinadas a agilizar e a dinamizar a reabilitação urbana

    Law nº 32/2012, of August 14, was enacted to introduce amendments to the legal framework governing urban rehabilitation in Portugal. It aims to streamline and invigorate urban rehabilitation efforts by introducing measures to facilitate and accelerate the process. The law includes amendments to the Civil Code and Decree-Law 307/2009, outlining specific changes to various articles within these legal documents and aiming to modernise and enhance the legal framework surrounding urban rehabilitation in Portugal, in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness in urban development initiatives. The law outlines measures concerning cultural

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