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  • Décret n° 2013-394 du 13 mai 2013 portant publication de la convention sur la protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique (ensemble une annexe), adoptée à Paris le 2 novembre 2001

    This legislation outlines comprehensive guidelines for the protection and preservation of underwater cultural heritage. It emphasises the importance of in situ conservation as the primary approach and restricts interventions to those compatible with heritage protection. The document sets clear rules for project descriptions, including objectives, methods, financing plans, and team compositions, ensuring thorough planning and execution. Furthermore, it highlights the necessity of cooperation and international collaboration in underwater heritage interventions to leverage diverse expertise effectively. The legislation mandates the development of emergency plans to safeguard heritage and related documentation in

    Valtioneuvoston asetus Suomenlinnan hoitokunnasta

    This legislation regulates the management of the Suomenlinna Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Helsinki, Finland. The text establishes the duties and responsibilities of the Suomenlinna Governing Body, tasked with maintaining the site’s buildings, equipment, and grounds. Additionally, it defines the responsibilities of the cultural heritage protection agencies. The legislation outlines the scope of the governing body’s work, including the restoration, rehabilitation, and development of the site where needed. The text establishes the roles of the members of the governing body and mandates the selection of a chairperson

    Denkmalschutzgesetz Hamburg (DSchG) (Monument Protection Act)

    The “Denkmalschutzgesetz” (DSchG), enacted in 2013 and most recently amended in 2020 (Article 14), serves as the primary legislation for the protection and preservation of cultural monuments in Hamburg. Its core purpose is to ensure that the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage of the city is maintained and safeguarded for future generations. This legislation defines cultural monuments broadly, including buildings, structures, and sites of historical, artistic, scientific, or urban significance. It establishes a comprehensive framework for identifying, documenting, and registering these monuments, ensuring they receive legal protection and necessary maintenance.

    Budapest 2030. Long-Term Urban Development Concept

    The Budapest 2030 Long-Term Urban Development Concept (adopted by the General Assembly in April 2013) is a comprehensive planning document that envisages the capital city’s long-term development, taking into account its urban characteristics. The Urban Development Concept consists of three main parts. Firstly, it summarises the results of comprehensive reviews and studies made about the capital in recent years categorised according to particular fields, which presents a kind of status report of the City. These provide the framework for the Concept. Secondly, it defines the general principles which must be

    Lege Nr. LP58/2012 din 29.03.2012 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural imaterial

    This law establishes a legal framework to identify, document, research, preserve, transmit, and promote the intangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Moldova. The purpose of the law is to safeguard intangible cultural heritage against the threats of globalisation, modernization, and cultural homogenization. The law comprises several sections that define the scope of intangible cultural heritage and enumerate the responsibilities of various stakeholders in preserving it. The law enjoins individuals, communities, and institutions to undertake inventory, documentation, and research of intangible cultural heritage, using both traditional and modern methods. The

    National Cultural Policy

    The Icelandic cultural policy document outlines a comprehensive strategy aimed at preserving and promoting Icelandic culture both domestically and internationally. It emphasizes the importance of cultural heritage, creativity, and the arts as fundamental to national identity and societal well-being. The policy includes measures to support cultural institutions, enhance education in the arts, and ensure access to cultural activities for all citizens. It also highlights the role of digital technology in making cultural content more accessible and promoting innovation. Furthermore, the policy seeks to foster international cultural exchange and cooperation, thereby

    Mədəniyyət Haqqında Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qanunu

    (The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan about Culture) The law of the Azerbaijani government regarding culture primarily consists of definitions of cultural terms and regulates activities related to these concepts. In the context of inclusivity, it discusses everyone’s freedoms of creativity and self-renewal. It also provides information on the definition of cultural heritage and values, and what falls under the national heritage designation. Information on how to use these heritage assets is also provided. Additionally, it offers brief information on the balance between conservation and usage. Due to the

    Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011

    This legislation outlines the requirements and responsibilities related to records management plans for authorities in Scotland. It emphasises the importance of maintaining accurate and up-to-date records to preserve the heritage and historical significance of public records. The Act mandates that authorities must keep their records management plans under review and comply with the guidelines set forth by the Keeper. One key aspect of the legislation is the role of the Keeper in overseeing the implementation of records management plans and conducting reviews to ensure compliance. The Keeper has the authority

    Valtioneuvoston asetus Taiteen edistämiskeskuksesta

    This legislation establishes the framework for the Arts Promotion Centre Finland, defining the roles and responsibilities of its director and the Arts Council. The director plays a crucial role in decision-making processes related to the centre’s operations, financial management, and grant allocations. The Arts Council, composed of appointed members, oversees key aspects of the centre’s activities and ensures effective collaboration among regional committees. The document outlines the qualifications required for individuals holding positions within the Arts Promotion Centre Finland, emphasising the importance of relevant education, expertise in the field, and

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