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  • Valtioneuvoston asetus Kansallisgalleriasta

    The legislation focuses on the establishment of the National Gallery in Helsinki, Finland. The aim of the law is to uphold the collection, maintenance, and preservation of the National Gallery’s collection. The document outlines the requirements for the National Gallery’s upkeep and security measures. The legislation emphasises the importance of maintaining proper environmental conditions to ensure the preservation of the collection. It mandates that the buildings and spaces where the collection is displayed and stored should be suitable for maintaining appropriate temperature, lighting, and humidity. The document also requires the

    Foredrag til kongelig resolusjon om Verneplan for skog

    This legislation revolves around the creation of four new nature reserves in forests through the implementation of the Norwegian Biodiversity Act. These new reserves are intended to protect the biodiversity of forests that are home to endangered species, such as the white-backed woodpecker and the Siberian jay. Through the creation of these reserves, Norway seeks to slow the rate of deforestation and ensure the preservation of the country’s natural heritage for future generations. The legislation highlights key findings and conclusions based on the current state of Norwegian forestry and the

    Loi du 12 mars 2011 portant approbation de la Convention-cadre du Conseil de l’Europe sur la valeur du patrimoine culturel pour la société, faite à Faro, le 27 octobre 2005

    This legislation emphasises the significance of cultural heritage in society and its impact on human development. It highlights the responsibility of individuals and communities towards preserving and promoting cultural heritage. The document stresses the need for shared responsibility and public participation in heritage conservation efforts. Furthermore, the legislation outlines the objectives of the Convention, focusing on the right to cultural heritage participation and the promotion of a balanced approach to cultural diversity. It encourages the integration of cultural heritage into various aspects of life, including economic, social, and political development.

    Décret relatif aux Centres culturels

    This legislation outlines the fundamental rights and obligations of cultural centres in Belgium, focusing on the preservation, development, and promotion of heritage and culture. It emphasises access to cultural information and active participation in cultural life, ensuring freedom of choice in cultural affiliations. The document underscores the importance of community involvement in cultural projects and the shared analysis of cultural actions. One key aspect highlighted is the validation process of cultural action projects by the cultural centre’s board of directors. It details the criteria for evaluating the impact of cultural

    Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės nutarimas dėl kultūros paveldo objektų ir vietovių apsaugos zonų nustatymo taisyklių patvirtinimo

    The rules for establishing protection zones for cultural heritage objects and sites regulate the principles for defining and establishing these zones, as well as marking their boundaries. These rules apply to cultural heritage objects and sites declared protected by the state or municipalities. The protection zones and their subzones are determined based on legal acts and documents prepared by the Department of Cultural Heritage and municipal evaluation councils. The rules do not cover the establishment of protection zones for historical national parks, historical regional parks, cultural reserves, and their buffer

    Decreto-Lei n.º 132/2013, de 13 de setembro: Conselho Nacional de Cultura

    This legislation establishes the constitution and functioning of the National Council for Culture and its specialised sections. The CNC is the government’s advisory body for the area of culture. It replaces previous regulations and outlines the mission and competencies of the CNC, which include providing opinions and recommendations on issues relating to the realisation of cultural policy objectives, as well as proposing necessary measures for cultural development, at the request of the member of the Government responsible for the area of culture or the services and bodies in the area

    The Cultural Test (Television Programmes) Regulations 2013

    This legislation sets out the criteria and requirements for certifying British television programmes under the Cultural Test regulations. It establishes the cultural test that dramas and documentaries must pass to be considered British programmes. The test includes factors such as points awarded for language, characters, story depiction, and production details. Additionally, it outlines the conditions for qualifying co-productions made in accordance with international agreements specified in Schedule 1. The legislation emphasises the importance of showcasing British creativity, heritage, and diversity in television content. It highlights the significance of factors like

    RÉSOLUTION EUROPÉENNE sur l’ouverture de négociations en vue d’un partenariat transatlantique (E 8165)

    The legislation aims to safeguard cultural diversity within the framework of a proposed transatlantic trade and investment partnership. It stresses the importance of excluding audiovisual services from trade negotiations to protect the European Union’s cultural heritage. This measure ensures that legislative control over the audiovisual sector remains within European and national jurisdiction, particularly in the digital age. Key points include the affirmation of technological neutrality, indicating that the format of content delivery should not affect its cultural value. The text emphasises that including information and communication technologies in trade agreements

    Decreet betreffende het Vlaamse integratie- en inburgeringsbeleid (07/06/2013)

    The Flemish integration decree outlines policies aimed at fostering the integration of newcomers into Flemish society. It mandates certain groups, like non-EU immigrants, to participate in integration programs encompassing language courses, civic orientation, and social integration activities. The overarching goal is to equip participants with the necessary language skills and societal knowledge to actively engage in Flemish society. The decree reflects efforts to promote inclusion and equal opportunities for all residents of Flanders. Flemish policies and programs promoting the integration of migrants and refugees into society may indirectly recognize the


    The goals of this Act include contributing to the creation, maintenance, documentation, and accessibility of an array of cultural expressions. The Culture Council Act focuses on promoting diversity and ensuring the availability of cultural experiences to as many people as possible. Additionally, it establishes the Norsk Kulturråd, which is responsible for implementing and promoting the policies included in the Act. One of the significant themes of the Act is the promotion of cultural preservation. The Act aims to protect art forms and culture by making them accessible to a wide

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