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  • Lei nº 19/2014, de 14 de abril: bases da política de ambiente

    Law nº 19/2014 lays down the foundations of environmental policy in alignment with constitutional mandates. This law serves as a guiding beacon for environmental stewardship, delineating the scope, objectives, and general principles that underpin environmental governance in Portugal. It sets out to ensure the effective implementation of policies that safeguard the environment, as enshrined in the Constitution, fostering a sustainable and harmonious relationship between human activities and the natural world. Within the framework of Law 19/2014, key themes emerge, including the preservation of soil and subsoil integrity, combating desertification, and


    This paper provides an insightful analysis of the cultural sector in Moldova, focusing on the challenges and initiatives related to the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. It highlights the lack of institutions educating experts for the protection of cultural heritage, the absence of a regulatory system for historical monuments, and the exclusion of private and legal persons owning immovable cultural heritage from the protection of historical monuments. The report delves into the participation in cultural life, measuring the number of consumers of cultural events and average monthly expenditure per

    The Museum Act

    The legislative act sets the legal framework for the preservation and management of cultural heritage in Denmark. This law emphasizes the protection of historical monuments, archaeological sites, and culturally significant buildings. Key aspects of the legislation include defining the responsibilities of national and local authorities in heritage preservation, and establishing criteria for the designation of protected sites. It also outlines the procedures for conducting archaeological investigations and managing discovered artifacts, ensuring that significant findings are properly documented and conserved. The law highlights the importance of integrating cultural heritage considerations into

    The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Heritage Partnership Agreements) Regulations 2014

    This legislation outlines the procedures and requirements for heritage partnership agreements concerning listed buildings in England. It establishes a framework for local planning authorities to engage in partnerships with listed building owners to facilitate alterations or extensions while preserving the historical and architectural significance of these structures. The regulations mandate public consultation and notification processes to ensure transparency and accountability in the decision-making regarding listed building consent. One key aspect of the legislation is the emphasis on public access to information related to proposed works on listed buildings. Local planning

    Government Bill 2013/14:206 Orphan works in the collections of cultural heritage institutions

    The Bill presents proposals that will facilitate the digitisation and dissemination of cultural heritage in situations where the rightsholder of a work is unknown or cannot be reached and it is therefore not possible to obtain permission for its use. Works whose copyright holders are unknown or cannot be reached are referred to in the proposal as orphan works. A new restriction on copyright will allow cultural heritage institutions such as archives, libraries and museums, as well as broadcasters with a public service mission, to digitise works that are considered

    საჯარო სამართლის იურიდიული პირის – საქართველოს ინოვაციების და ტექნოლოგიების სააგენტოს დებულების დამტკიცების შესახებ # 1-1/66

    The Order approves the Statue of the Innovation and Technology Agency of Georgia. The first article of the document defines the legal form, guiding documents and requisites of the Agency. The second article of the document outlines its goals and functions. The core goals of the entity which along with other sectors are important for the field of cultural heritage are: a) coordination of the process of creation and development of the innovative ecosystem in Georgia; b) promotion and coordination of the implementation process of the unified policy and strategy

    Ministerial Order on the approval of the regulation of the legal entity under public law – the Innovation and Technology Agency of Georgia

    The Order approves the Statue of the Innovation and Technology Agency of Georgia. The first article of the document defines the legal form, guiding documents and requisites of the Agency. The second article of the document outlines its goals and functions. The core goals of the entity which along with other sectors are important for the field of cultural heritage are: a) coordination of the process of creation and development of the innovative ecosystem in Georgia; b) promotion and coordination of the implementation process of the unified policy and strategy

    Landeskulturkonzept Sachen-Anhalt 2025

    Saxony-Anhalt boasts a rich cultural heritage and a vibrant contemporary cultural scene. The state government is dedicated to preserving, maintaining, and further developing this diverse cultural landscape. The report recognizes that art and culture are indispensable for both individuals and society, enhancing the quality of life locally and playing a crucial role in the national and international competition for business locations. Cultural policy in Saxony-Anhalt is seen as a societal task. The state’s cultural development plans, which extend up to 2025, address complex social challenges and provide strategic and conceptual

    Valtioneuvoston asetus Kansallisgalleriasta

    The legislation focuses on the establishment of the National Gallery in Helsinki, Finland. The aim of the law is to uphold the collection, maintenance, and preservation of the National Gallery’s collection. The document outlines the requirements for the National Gallery’s upkeep and security measures. The legislation emphasises the importance of maintaining proper environmental conditions to ensure the preservation of the collection. It mandates that the buildings and spaces where the collection is displayed and stored should be suitable for maintaining appropriate temperature, lighting, and humidity. The document also requires the

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