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  • Loi du 17 décembre 2014 portant approbation de la Convention concernant les mesures à prendre pour interdire et empêcher l’importation, l’exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites des biens culturels, adoptée par la Conférence générale de l’UNESCO à sa seizième session, à Paris, le 14 novembre 1970

    This legislation focuses on the protection of cultural heritage by addressing the illicit import, export, and transfer of cultural property. It aims to prevent the depletion of national cultural heritage through the establishment of measures to regulate the movement of important cultural artefacts. The document emphasises the need for collaboration between states to combat the illegal trade of cultural items and highlights the importance of ethical principles in managing cultural collections. One key aspect of the legislation is the requirement for states to create inventories of significant cultural items, both

    Règlement grand-ducal du 12 décembre 2014 portant institution d’une Commission nationale pour la coopération avec l’UNESCO

    This legislation establishes a national commission dedicated to collaborating with UNESCO, focusing on education, science, and culture. The commission’s primary functions include advising the government on UNESCO programs, promoting UNESCO messages, and monitoring the protection and evolution of heritage elements recognized by UNESCO. Comprising 26 members from various sectors, the commission aims to facilitate national contributions to UNESCO consultations and coordinate with the network of national commissions for UNESCO. The commission’s role extends to engaging governmental and non-governmental entities, as well as individuals interested in UNESCO-related matters. It includes representatives

    Decreto-Lei n.º 164/2014, de 4 de novembro: Regulamento de Trabalhos Arqueológicos

    Decree-Law No. 164/2014 focuses on the approval of a new Regulation for Archaeological Works. This decree repeals the previous Decree-Law No. 270/99, amended by Decree-Law No. 287/2000, signalling a need for updated regulations due to the significant increase in archaeological activities. The new Regulation aims to adapt to the current national archaeological landscape, addressing the evolving nature and stakeholders involved in these activities. The decree emphasises the importance of archaeological work in producing historical knowledge, essential for the culture of societies. It highlights the responsibility of archaeologists to engage with

    Bundesgesetz über die Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz bei Haushalten, Unternehmen und dem Bund sowie Energieverbrauchserfassung und Monitoring (Bundes-Energieeffizienzgesetz – EEffG) (Federal Act on Energy Efficiency)

    In 2023, the 2014 Bundes-Energieeffizienzgesetz (EEffG) was amended in order to adapt national legislation to the EU law requirements. The National Energy and Climate Plan therefore provides for the EEffG 2023 for the period 2021 to 2030 as an important building block for the fulfilment of these targets. In the 2023 Federal Energy Efficiency Act was also included a clause on monument protection (Denkmalschutz). This is to be found in paragraph 47 “Energy experts of the Federation”. According to paragraph 47, the Confederation shall appoint a qualified energy expert for

    ՀՀ օրենքը “ՀՀ պետական պարգևների և պատվավոր կոչումների մասին”

    The law of the Republic of Armenia concerning state awards and honorary titles establishes a framework for recognizing exceptional contributions across various fields. Enacted to honor individuals and entities for their significant achievements, the law outlines the types of awards and titles available, the procedures for their establishment, and the rules governing their bestowal. According to the law, state awards are considered the highest form of recognition in Armenia and are bestowed for contributions to state construction, economy, science, education, culture, art, healthcare, sports development, national security, charitable activities, and

    Law “On RA State Awards and Honorary Titles”

    The law of the Republic of Armenia concerning state awards and honorary titles establishes a framework for recognizing exceptional contributions across various fields. Enacted to honor individuals and entities for their significant achievements, the law outlines the types of awards and titles available, the procedures for their establishment, and the rules governing their bestowal. According to the law, state awards are considered the highest form of recognition in Armenia and are bestowed for contributions to state construction, economy, science, education, culture, art, healthcare, sports development, national security, charitable activities, and

    Disposizioni urgenti per la tutela del patrimonio culturale, lo sviluppo della cultura e il rilancio del turismo” Ai sensi dell’art.1 del D.L. 31.5.2014, n. 83 (Urgent provisions for the protection of cultural heritage, the development of culture and the revitalisation of tourism)

    The Decreto-Legge 31 maggio 2014, n. 83, titled “Disposizioni urgenti per la tutela del patrimonio culturale, lo sviluppo della cultura e il rilancio del turismo,” addresses urgent measures for the protection of cultural heritage, the development of culture, and the revitalization of tourism in Italy. The decree, effective from June 1, 2014, and subsequently modified by Law 106 of July 29, 2014, is a comprehensive legislative effort aimed at addressing the dire needs of Italy’s cultural sites, promoting cultural initiatives, and enhancing the tourism sector. A key component of the

    Lei nº 31/2014, de 30 de maio: Lei de bases gerais da política pública de solos, de ordenamento do território e de urbanismo

    Law n.º 31/2014 establishes the fundamental principles of public policy concerning land, territorial planning, and urbanism in Portugal. The law’s primary objective is to provide a framework for sustainable development, efficient land use, and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage. It outlines the general guidelines for the management of land resources, emphasising the importance of balancing economic development with environmental conservation. The law requires a comprehensive approach to urban planning, ensuring that infrastructures and facilities are economically sustainable and contribute to the overall well-being of communities. It mandates that

    Loi du 9 mai 2014 relative aux émissions industrielles

    This legislation addresses the regulation of industrial emissions and environmental protection, impacting heritage sites and cultural landscapes. It outlines stringent requirements for new industrial projects within designated zones, aiming to balance economic development with heritage preservation. The document emphasises the importance of compliance with emission limits and the adoption of best available techniques to minimise environmental impact on historical areas. Furthermore, the legislation sets clear guidelines for the closure of industrial installations, ensuring proper environmental restoration and heritage conservation post-operation. It highlights specific emission limits for combustion installations and control

    exécution du décret du 21 novembre 2013 relatif aux centres culturels

    This legislation outlines the procedures and criteria for the recognition and operation of cultural centres, emphasising the importance of specialised cultural actions and intensified cultural activities. It delves into the requirements for recognition, including the submission of detailed project descriptions and engagement with local communities. The document highlights the need for a strategic approach to cultural initiatives, focusing on specific objectives, methodologies, and target audiences. Furthermore, the legislation addresses the role of public authorities in supporting cultural endeavours, emphasising the significance of financial contributions and the allocation of subsidies based

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