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  • The law defines the jurisdictions of the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, concerning archaeological and cultural heritage works. Specifically, the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Georgia is entrusted with the authority to: -Issue permits for work and archaeological activities on cultural heritage monuments. -Enter into agreements for the issuance of building permits. -Receive interim and final reports. -Supervise the execution of the work. Similarly, the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia

    Historic Environment Scotland Act 2014

    Explore the legislation that empowers Historic Environment Scotland to safeguard and preserve Scotland’s rich heritage. This comprehensive legal framework outlines the functions and responsibilities of Historic Environment Scotland in managing scheduled monuments, listing and conservation, and marine environments. The Act establishes guidelines for restoring monuments to their former state and provides compensation mechanisms for damages caused during preservation efforts. It also grants Historic Environment Scotland the authority to enter agreements concerning ancient monuments and adjacent lands, ensuring their protection and conservation. One of the key aspects of this legislation is

    LOI n° 2015-195 du 20 février 2015 portant diverses dispositions d’adaptation au droit de l’Union européenne dans les domaines de la propriété littéraire et artistique et du patrimoine culturel

    In response to the need for alignment with European Union regulations, amendments have been made to the French Intellectual Property Code, specifically focusing on the protection of literary and artistic property and cultural heritage. These changes aim to enhance the legal framework surrounding intellectual property rights and the preservation of cultural assets within the EU context. The legislation introduces provisions for extending the duration of protection for certain neighbouring rights, emphasising the significance of safeguarding cultural heritage. It addresses the restitution of cultural goods unlawfully removed from EU member states,

    Loi du 10 février 2015 portant transposition de la directive 2011/77/UE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 septembre 2011 modifiant la directive 2006/116/CE

    This legislation focuses on the transposition of a European Union directive into Luxembourg law regarding copyright protection duration. It introduces amendments that impact various aspects of copyright law, particularly concerning music compositions, film fixations, and artist rights. The law specifies that protection for music compositions with lyrics ends 70 years after the death of the last surviving relevant individual. Additionally, it outlines that film producers’ rights expire 50 years after the first lawful publication. Furthermore, the amendments address the termination of contracts by artists, ensuring they cannot waive their right

    Decreto Legislativo Regional nº 3/2015/A: Regime Jurídico de Proteção e Valorização do Património Cultural Móvel e Imóvel

    This Regional Legislative Decree from the Azores Autonomous Region establishes a legal framework for the protection and valorisation of movable and immovable cultural heritage. It replaces a previous decree from 2004, aiming to improve the inventory, classification, protection, and valorization of cultural assets based on past experiences. The legislation outlines guidelines for safeguarding classified properties, including maintaining original architectural features during renovations and prohibiting certain alterations. The decree emphasises the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of the Azores and unifying regional legislation to simplify the safeguarding process. It sets

    National Landscape Strategy for Ireland 2015 – 2025

    As Ireland’s living natural and cultural heritage, it’s landscapes are a reflection of its identity and diversity, encompassing its stunning countryside, dramatic coastlines, towns, cities and villages. The National Landscape Strategy for Ireland 2015-2025 sets out a framework for the management, planning and protection of these landscapes in a sustainable manner, in line with the European Landscape Convention. This first step in confronting the challenge of attaining a balance between our social, cultural and economic needs and our environment and landscape includes submissions from public consultation processes and contributions from

    People, Place and Policy: Growing Tourism to 2025

    Explore the essence of Irish Heritage through a comprehensive analysis that delves into the intricate tapestry of cultural and historical significance across the continent. The document illuminates key themes surrounding the preservation and promotion of Europe’s rich heritage, highlighting the interconnectedness of diverse traditions and architectural marvels. It underscores the pivotal role of sustainable tourism in safeguarding heritage assets, emphasizing the need for strategic policies to align with environmental regulations for long-term preservation. Within the narrative, the document navigates through the intricate landscape of European heritage, shedding light on the

    საქართველოს ტურიზმის სტრატეგია 2025

    This document presents a concise overview of Georgia’s Tourism Strategy, offering a roadmap for enhancing Georgia’s tourist industry, preserving and highlighting its cultural heritage, and promoting sustainable development. The strategy, developed by the Georgian National Tourism Administration, identifies eight strategic objectives for the development of Georgian Tourism sector, encompassing over 50 priority actions. The first objective is to respect, preserve, and enrich Georgia’s natural and cultural heritage, which includes designing tourism product strategies, offering technical assistance programs and community development grants to entrepreneurs and local communities, creating unique visitor experiences

    Loi fédérale sur la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé, de catastrophe ou de situation d’urgence (Federal law on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, Disaster or Emergency)

    The Swiss Federal Act on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, Disaster, or Emergency aims to safeguard cultural property from damage or destruction during crises. It aligns with international protocols, particularly the Hague Convention, and outlines measures for the identification, protection, and documentation of cultural assets. The primary themes of the act include the creation of inventories of cultural property, the implementation of protective measures, and the establishment of emergency plans. It requires federal and cantonal authorities to cooperate in safeguarding cultural property and mandates

    Gesetz zum Schutz der Denkmale (Denkmalschutzgesetz) vom 30. Dezember 2014 (Monument Protection Act)

    The Denkmalschutzgesetz is the law regulating preservation and protection of cultural heritage within the state of Schleswig-Holstein. Enacted on January 30, 2015, and amended in 202, this law sets forth comprehensive guidelines and criteria for identifying, documenting, and conserving cultural monuments, ensuring that significant historical, artistic, scientific, and technical landmarks are preserved for future generations. A key theme of the legislation is the establishment of clear criteria for what constitutes a cultural monument. According to the law, a cultural monument can be any object, whether movable or immovable, that holds

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