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  • National Policy on Architecture and Landscape

    The National Policy on Architecture and Landscape in Portugal was approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 45/2015 and is a long-term political instrument that brings together different components of the territory, with a view to its sustainability and quality, with the well-being of communities and balanced development at its core, and with education as an indispensable factor. The document outlines key initiatives for the period of 2014-2020, emphasising the importance of creating a network of partners to support the policy’s objectives. It aims to coordinate various initiatives related

    ​​Lei nº 54/2015, de 22 de junho: Revelação e do aproveitamento dos recursos geológicos existentes no território nacional

    Law No. 54/2015, enacted on June 22, 2015, primarily focuses on the disclosure and utilisation of geological resources within the national territory, including the maritime space. The law aims to balance the exploration and exploitation of these resources with the preservation of environmental heritage. It emphasises the importance of protecting natural heritage, including geological formations, in the process of resource utilisation. Within the context of heritage preservation, the law establishes guidelines for the responsible disclosure of geological resources to ensure the conservation of natural landscapes and geological features. It recognizes

    Decreto-Lei nº 102/2015, de 5 de junho: Transferência do Sistema de Informação para o Património (SIPA)

    This Decree-Law makes the second amendment to Decree-Law no. 115/2012, amended by Decree-Law no. 205/2012, which approves the organisational structure of the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC), and the first amendment to Decree-Law no. 175/2012, which approves the organisational structure of the Institute for Housing and Urban Rehabilitation, I. P. (IHRU, I. P.). (IHRU, I. P.), transferring the attributions and competences relating to the Heritage Information System (SIPA) from IHRU, I. P., to the DGPC. The implementation of this transfer implies the clear definition of mission objectives and the reorganisation

    Gesetz über den Schutz und die Erforschung von archäologischen Stätten und Objekten (Archäologiegesetz, ArchG) (Act on the protection and exploration of archaeological sites and objects)

    The “Gesetz über den Schutz und die Erforschung von archäologischen Stätten und Objekten” of the Canton Basel-Landschaft is a critical legislative document aimed at protecting and researching archaeological sites and artefacts. Its primary objective is to ensure the preservation of archaeological heritage while facilitating scientific exploration and public education. This law defines the responsibilities of various authorities, individuals, and organisations in the discovery, excavation, and conservation of archaeological resources. A major theme of the document is the protection of archaeological sites from unauthorised excavations and damage. It outlines strict regulations

    Gesetz über die Kulturförderung, Kulturförderungsgesetz, KFG BL (Law on the promotion of culture)

    The Gesetz über die Kulturförderung (Kulturförderungsgesetz, KFG BL) of the Canton Basel-Landschaft focuses on promoting and supporting cultural activities within the canton. Its primary purpose is to establish a comprehensive framework that encourages cultural diversity, creativity, and participation. The law defines the roles and responsibilities of public authorities, cultural institutions, and private individuals in fostering a vibrant cultural landscape. A central theme of the KFG BL is the accessibility of culture to all residents. The legislation mandates that cultural offerings be inclusive and available to a broad audience, ensuring that

    Ley 10/2015, de 26 de mayo, para la salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial

    This legislative document outlines the framework for the protection and promotion of intangible cultural heritage within the jurisdiction of public authorities. It underscores the importance of preserving the cultural authenticity and sustainability of intangible heritage while ensuring that tourism activities do not compromise its essential characteristics. The document emphasises the need for a balanced approach that respects the traditions upheld by the communities managing these cultural manifestations, particularly invoking social awareness about these expressions and manifestations of culture. One of the key principles highlighted in the legislation is the recognition

    Decreto-Lei n.º 80/2015, de 14 de maio: Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial

    Decree-Law No. 80/2015 provides a comprehensive framework for territorial planning and urban development in Portugal. It outlines the coordination of national, regional, intermunicipal, and municipal levels of territorial management, setting guidelines for sectoral programs in areas such as defence, environment, transportation, and tourism. The decree-law focuses on the alteration of plans to adapt to changing environmental, economic, and social conditions, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and public consultation processes. One of the key aspects addressed in the decree-law is the reclassification and development of urban land, emphasising the equitable distribution

    კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის ძეგლზე სამუშაოებისა და არქეოლოგიური სამუშაოების ნებართვის გაცემასთან დაკავშირებული ღონისძიებების შესახებ #137

    The Resolution No. 137 of the Government of Georgia, outlines measures concerning the issuance of permission for works and archaeological work on cultural heritage monuments in the country. The document references a number of relevant laws, including “On Licenses and Permits,” “Local Self-Government Code,” and “On Normative Acts,” among others. The resolution grants the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Georgia the right to carry out works and archaeological work on cultural heritage monuments, issue permits, agree to receive interim and final reports based on the issued

    Resolution #137 About measures related to the issuance of permission for works and archeological works on the cultural heritage monument

    The Resolution No. 137 of the Government of Georgia, outlines measures concerning the issuance of permission for works and archaeological work on cultural heritage monuments in the country. The document references a number of relevant laws, including “On Licenses and Permits,” “Local Self-Government Code,” and “On Normative Acts,” among others. The resolution grants the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Georgia the right to carry out works and archaeological work on cultural heritage monuments, issue permits, agree to receive interim and final reports based on the issued

    კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის ძეგლზე სამუშაოებისა და არქეოლოგიური სამუშაოების ნებართვის გაცემასთან დაკავშირებული ღონისძიებების შესახებ #137

    The law defines the jurisdictions of the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, concerning archaeological and cultural heritage works. Specifically, the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Georgia is entrusted with the authority to: -Issue permits for work and archaeological activities on cultural heritage monuments. -Enter into agreements for the issuance of building permits. -Receive interim and final reports. -Supervise the execution of the work. Similarly, the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia

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