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  • Decreto Regulamentar Regional n.o 20/2015/A: Regime Específico de Proteção e Valorização do Património Cultural Imóvel do Núcleo Antigo de Vila do Corvo

    This Regional Regulatory Decree establishes a specific regime for the protection and valorization of the cultural heritage in the Old Town of Vila do Corvo. It aligns with the new legal framework for the protection of cultural heritage, emphasising the need for a tailored approach to safeguarding the cultural assets in the region. The document outlines general and specific intervention rules for properties within the designated area, ensuring that any modifications respect the historical and architectural significance of the buildings. The legislation highlights the importance of preserving the characteristic appearance

    Decreto Regulamentar Regional nº 25/2015/A: Regime de apoios a conceder pela Administração Regional Autónoma à preservação do património cultural imóvel situado na área classificada de Angra do Heroísmo

    This Regional Regulatory Decree, issued by the government of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, establishes a regime of support for the preservation of cultural heritage in the region. This regulation focuses on providing financial aid and technical assistance to private entities for the conservation of both immovable and movable cultural assets. The financial support is in the form of non-refundable funding and technical guidance to enhance the quality of restoration projects. The decree emphasises the importance of addressing threats to immovable heritage, such as pest infestations, by increasing support

    Decreto-Lei n.º242/2015, de 15 de outubro: Regime Jurídico da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade

    This decree-law focuses on revising the legal framework for nature conservation and biodiversity in Portugal. It addresses the need to update regulations in line with the evolving understanding of environmental protection. The document outlines the scope of application, emphasising the protection of natural resources within national territory and waters under national jurisdiction. It highlights the importance of sustainable management practices to ensure the preservation of biodiversity for future generations. One of the key aspects of the decree-law is the establishment of guidelines for the conservation of nature and biodiversity. It

    Ustawa z dnia 5 sierpnia 2015 r. o zmianie ustaw regulujących warunki dostępu do wykonywania niektórych zawodów

    The Act concerns changes other acts regulating the conditions of access to certain professions. In the field of heritage, this involves amending the Act on the Protection and Care of Monuments and the Act on Museums. In the field of museums, the Act defines who museum workers are (employees employed in museums in positions carrying out tasks related to: 1) collecting and scientifically developing collections, 2) organizing exhibitions and making collections available for educational and scientific purposes, 3) organizing research and scientific expeditions, including archaeological ones, 4) conducting educational, artistic,

    საქართველოს მთავრობის დადგენილება 411 ქ. მცხეთის კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის დამცავ ზონებში ქალაქთმშენებლობის რეგულირების განსაკუთრებული რეჟიმის ამოქმედების შესახებ

    The government of Georgia’s Resolution No. 411 is focused on the introduction of a special regime for the regulation of urban development in the cultural heritage protection zones of Mtskheta Municipality. Its purpose is to preserve and protect the special public importance of the world heritage monuments of Mtskheta municipality, to harmonize urban processes with historical-cultural values and to promote development compatible with the historically formed cultural landscape. The resolution emphasizes that, until the approval of the complete urban planning documentation of Mtskheta Municipality in accordance with the law, a

    Resolution of the Government of Georgia #411 On the implementation of a special regime for the regulation of urban development in the cultural heritage protection zones of Mtskheta

    The government of Georgia’s Resolution No. 411 is focused on the introduction of a special regime for the regulation of urban development in the cultural heritage protection zones of Mtskheta Municipality. Its purpose is to preserve and protect the special public importance of the world heritage monuments of Mtskheta municipality, to harmonize urban processes with historical-cultural values and to promote development compatible with the historically formed cultural landscape. The resolution emphasizes that, until the approval of the complete urban planning documentation of Mtskheta Municipality in accordance with the law, a

    Decreto-Lei n.º 148/2015, de 4 de agosto: Regime de classificação e inventariação de bens móveis de interesse cultural

    This decree-law builds upon the framework established by Law No. 107/2001, establishing the regime for the classification and inventorying of movable goods of cultural interest, as well as the rules to be applied to the exportation, dispatch, importation and admission of movable cultural goods. It establishes that movable goods of cultural interest can be classified as “of national interest”, “of public interest” or “of municipal interest” and determines the conditions that define each category and the corresponding classification procedure. As stated in the legislation, cultural interest must demonstrate values of

    Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015

    This legislation seeks to empower communities in Scotland to participate meaningfully in the development and improvement of public services. With provisions that took effect from 2015 onwards, the Community Empowerment Act has significant implications for the heritage sector in Scotland. One key feature of the legislation is the requirement for local authorities and other public service providers to consider how they can involve community groups in the planning and delivery of local services. This may include heritage-related activities such as the management of historic buildings or sites, as well as

    Azərbaycan Respublikasında mədəni irs nümunələrinin qorunması, bərpası və istifadəsi Qaydası

    (Rule for protection, restoration and use of cultural heritage samples in the Republic of Azerbaijan) This regulation is based on Article 32.2 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Cultural Heritage” and regulates relations related to the preservation, restoration, and use of cultural heritage specimens. National cultural heritage includes museums, fine arts, audiovisual (including cinema), theater, library, manuscript, archive, folklore, archaeology, ethnography, architecture, and other areas. Cultural heritage specimens are divided into tangible and intangible cultural heritage specimens. Measures are taken by state bodies to protect cultural heritage

    Política Nacional de Arquitetura e Paisagem

    The National Policy on Architecture and Landscape in Portugal was approved by the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 45/2015 and is a long-term political instrument that brings together different components of the territory, with a view to its sustainability and quality, with the well-being of communities and balanced development at its core, and with education as an indispensable factor. The document outlines key initiatives for the period of 2014-2020, emphasising the importance of creating a network of partners to support the policy’s objectives. It aims to coordinate various initiatives related

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