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  • Azərbaycan Respublikasinin İnzibati Xətalar Məcəlləsi

    (The Administrative Offenses Legislation of Azerbaijan) The Administrative Offenses Legislation of Azerbaijan, rooted in its constitution and international law, aims to protect rights, public health, morality, property, and order. It holds individuals accountable for administrative offenses. Principles include respect for rights, legality, equality, presumption of innocence, justice, and offense prevention. Laws apply universally regardless of ethnicity, religion, or status. It prohibits actions diminishing human dignity. Violators face consequences under rigorous legal scrutiny. In this context, it also provides brief on the protection of cultural heritage elements against illegal activities. Article

    Laki Euroopan unionin jäsenvaltion alueelta laittomasti vietyjen kulttuuriesineiden palauttamisesta

    This legislation addresses the restitution of cultural objects unlawfully taken from an EU member state’s territory. It outlines the process for filing applications for the return of such objects, specifying time limits for initiating these requests. Notably, applications for objects of special significance must be submitted within a longer timeframe. The law extends to countries within the European Economic Area, emphasising cross-border cooperation in safeguarding cultural heritage. By establishing procedures for the return of unlawfully exported cultural items, this legislation aims to protect and preserve the heritage of EU member

    Loi du 27 novembre 2015 modifiant la loi modifiée du 9 janvier 1998 portant transposition de la directive 93/7/CEE du 15 mars 1993

    This legislation focuses on the restitution of cultural property that has been illicitly removed from the territory of a European Union member state. It addresses the transposition of EU directives related to the return of such cultural items and the technical specifications for public infrastructure supporting electric mobility. The document outlines the responsibilities of distribution network managers and sets conditions for fair compensation in cases of cultural property restitution. It also includes provisions for the exchange of information between competent authorities and the definition of public collections under the law.

    Foredrag til kongelig resolusjon om Verneplan for skog

    This legislation focuses on the protection of forest areas in Norway, with the creation of 66 new protected areas under the nature diversity act. The legislation aims to protect forest habitats, their biodiversity, and the ecosystem services they provide. It outlines the criteria for the selection of the areas that will be protected, including species diversity, forest type, and rarity of the habitat. The legislation’s main themes are protection of biodiversity, implementation of sustainable forest management practices, and conservation of the ecosystem services that forest areas provide. It emphasises the

    Հայաստանի Հանրապետության Սահմանադրություն

    The Armenian Constitution emphasizes several key pillars: green transition, heritage preservation, inclusion, and international cultural relations. Under the Green Transition pillar, Article 12 focuses on the preservation of the environment and sustainable development. The State is committed to promoting the preservation, improvement, and restoration of the environment, along with the sustainable use of natural resources. This approach is guided by the principle of sustainable development and acknowledges the responsibility towards future generations. Furthermore, it mandates that everyone is obliged to contribute to environmental preservation. The Heritage Preservation pillar is encapsulated

    Constitution De La Republique D’Armenie Avec Les Amendements

    The Armenian Constitution emphasizes several key pillars: green transition, heritage preservation, inclusion, and international cultural relations. Under the Green Transition pillar, Article 12 focuses on the preservation of the environment and sustainable development. The State is committed to promoting the preservation, improvement, and restoration of the environment, along with the sustainable use of natural resources. This approach is guided by the principle of sustainable development and acknowledges the responsibility towards future generations. Furthermore, it mandates that everyone is obliged to contribute to environmental preservation. The Heritage Preservation pillar is encapsulated

    Конституция Республики Армения

    The Armenian Constitution emphasizes several key pillars: green transition, heritage preservation, inclusion, and international cultural relations. Under the Green Transition pillar, Article 12 focuses on the preservation of the environment and sustainable development. The State is committed to promoting the preservation, improvement, and restoration of the environment, along with the sustainable use of natural resources. This approach is guided by the principle of sustainable development and acknowledges the responsibility towards future generations. Furthermore, it mandates that everyone is obliged to contribute to environmental preservation. The Heritage Preservation pillar is encapsulated

    Constitution of the Republic of Armenia

    The Armenian Constitution emphasizes several key pillars: green transition, heritage preservation, inclusion, and international cultural relations. Under the Green Transition pillar, Article 12 focuses on the preservation of the environment and sustainable development. The State is committed to promoting the preservation, improvement, and restoration of the environment, along with the sustainable use of natural resources. This approach is guided by the principle of sustainable development and acknowledges the responsibility towards future generations. Furthermore, it mandates that everyone is obliged to contribute to environmental preservation. The Heritage Preservation pillar is encapsulated

    Nature Conservation Act

    The Nature Conservation Act aims to preserve Iceland’s natural diversity, including biological, geological, and landscape diversity, ensuring sustainable development and resilience against environmental changes. It establishes objectives for protecting ecosystems, species, geological formations, and landscapes, promoting sustainable use of natural resources. The act mandates public access to nature and education about natural heritage, ensuring that human activities do not harm the environment. It also outlines the roles and responsibilities of governmental bodies in managing conservation efforts and implementing the law.

    Decreto Regulamentar Regional nº 21/2015/A: Regulamenta os apoios para a aquisição, remodelação, beneficiação, ampliação ou construção de infraestruturas destinadas a atividades culturais

    This Regional Regulatory Decree regulates support for the acquisition, remodelling, improvement, expansion, or construction of cultural activity infrastructures in the Azores. It is based on the legal framework established by Regional Legislative Decree n.º 29/2006/A, modified and republished by Regional Legislative Decree n.º 9/2014/A (RJAAC), which created the legal regime for supporting activities in the Azores by regional, national, or foreign agents. The document aims to provide financial aid through cooperation contracts for cultural projects, with specific percentages of funding released at different project milestones. The support application process requires

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