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  • Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön asetus ylimääräisistä taiteilijaeläkkeistä

    This legislation governs the application and administration of extraordinary artist pensions, reinforcing support for artists who have made significant contributions to cultural heritage in Finland. It establishes a systematic process for artists to apply for these pensions through the Art Promotion Centre Finland, ensuring transparency and accessibility. Applicants must submit their requests using a specific form provided by the Centre, including personal details, bank information, and relevant documents such as pension decisions, medical certificates, and recent tax decisions. This thorough documentation ensures that only eligible and deserving artists receive financial

    Deddf yr Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (Cymru) 2016

    Discover the legislation that shapes heritage preservation in Wales, emphasising the protection of ancient monuments and listed buildings. This comprehensive legal framework outlines the responsibilities of owners and relevant local planning authorities in safeguarding these culturally significant structures. The legislation establishes the concept of heritage partnership agreements, formalising written agreements that allow for the review, termination, and variation of terms related to heritage conservation efforts. One key aspect of the legislation is the requirement for consultation before entering into or amending heritage partnership agreements. This ensures that all involved parties

    Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2016

    Discover the legislation that shapes heritage preservation in Wales, emphasising the protection of ancient monuments and listed buildings. This comprehensive legal framework outlines the responsibilities of owners and relevant local planning authorities in safeguarding these culturally significant structures. The legislation establishes the concept of heritage partnership agreements, formalising written agreements that allow for the review, termination, and variation of terms related to heritage conservation efforts. One key aspect of the legislation is the requirement for consultation before entering into or amending heritage partnership agreements. This ensures that all involved parties

    Lima Action Plan for UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme and its World Network of Biosphere Reserves (2016-2025)

    The document outlines the Draft Lima Action Plan for UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme and its World Network of Biosphere Reserves (2016-2025). It details the comprehensive drafting process that led to the finalisation of the plan, including a meeting at UNESCO Paris and consultations with Member States. The plan aims to support the effective implementation of the MAB Strategy 2015-2025 through participatory processes. It emphasises the importance of clear communication plans, integration of Biosphere Reserves into legislation, research partnerships, sustained funding, and the effective functioning of the World Network

    Decreto Legislativo Regional n.º 4/2016/A, de 2 de fevereiro: Adaptação de regulamentos de eficiência energética à Região Autónoma dos Açores

    The Regional Legislative Decree No. 4/2016/A aims to adapt the Energy Certification System of Buildings, the access and exercise regime for qualified experts in energy certification, and the regime for the exceptional and temporary rehabilitation of buildings in the Azores region. It aligns these regulations with the existing legal framework, specifically the Decree-Law No. 118/2013, with adaptations introduced by the decree itself. The document emphasises the simplification of administrative processes for urban rehabilitation, particularly by exempting certain requirements related to energy efficiency and thermal quality regulations. It also mentions the

    Règlement grand-ducal du 15 janvier 2016 établissant les sources à consulter par les organismes bénéficiaires pour la détermination du statut d’oeuvre orpheline

    This legislation addresses the determination of orphan work status, focusing on the sources that organisations must consult for this purpose. It outlines the diligent search criteria for orphan works, including specific sources like legal deposits, library catalogues, and author associations. The document emphasises the importance of thorough research to ascertain the orphan status of works across various mediums, such as books, periodicals, visual arts, audiovisual materials, and phonograms. By establishing a comprehensive list of sources to consult, the legislation aims to provide clarity and guidance to entities dealing with orphan

    Gender in culture

    The publication covers the relevance of gender in the cultural policy area, stating that gender aspects are relevant both in relation to the broad definition of culture as a ‘social construction’ and to the way in which cultural policy is designed and implemented. Gender, culture and rights intersect in intricate and complex ways. First of all, cultural rights, are human rights, and as such are the rights of both women and men. On the other hand, human rights are a precondition for enriching cultural diversity and enabling human creativity. Second,

    Kodi Hekurudhor

    The Albanian Railway Code requires railway operators to provide civil liability coverage for accidents and incidents, ensuring compliance with existing legislation. Article 23 of the law emphasizes the consideration of specificities and risks, particularly in railway operations aimed at cultural heritage conservation. This provision underscores the importance of safeguarding cultural heritage sites and activities within railway operations, ensuring their protection and sustainability amidst potential risks and accidents.

    Plano Setorial de Cultura de Carregal do Sal (2016-2025)

    This Culture Sector Plan outlines the strategic plans and actions for the municipality of Carregal do Sal in the domains of Education, Social Inclusion, and Culture. It identifies four cross-cutting areas: employment and competitiveness, sustainability and the environment, spatial planning and urban quality, education and social inclusion, complemented by two areas of specialisation: tourism and culture and the agroforestry sector, and a set of objectives is defined for each of these areas. The Strategic Plan focuses on collaboration and cooperation for economic, social, and territorial development, emphasising the involvement of

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