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  • Gesetz zum Schutz von Kulturgut (Kulturgutschutzgesetz – KGSG) (Act on the Protection of Cultural Property)

    The Cultural Property Protection Act (KGSG) of the federal republic of Germany, enacted on July 31, 2016, is a comprehensive legislative framework designed to safeguard cultural heritage. This Act aims to protect national cultural property, regulate the import and export of cultural items, and prevent the unlawful movement of such properties. A key feature of the KGSG is the establishment of a national register for cultural property of significant value, which ensures that these items are legally protected from unauthorised removal. The Act defines cultural property broadly, including works of

    კულტურის სტრატეგია 2025

    The Culture Strategy 2025 outlines the objectives and tasks required to promote cultural diversity, freedom of expression, and the development of cultural infrastructure in Georgia. The document aims to preserve and maintain Georgian language and cultural heritage in the diaspora while ensuring engagement with Georgian culture and promotion overseas. The strategy emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and its protection for the country’s development and democratization, as well as the role artistic professionals with different cultural backgrounds play in achieving this goal. It provides guidance and support for the preservation

    Culture Strategy 2025

    The Culture Strategy 2025 outlines the objectives and tasks required to promote cultural diversity, freedom of expression, and the development of cultural infrastructure in Georgia. The document aims to preserve and maintain Georgian language and cultural heritage in the diaspora while ensuring engagement with Georgian culture and promotion overseas. The strategy emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and its protection for the country’s development and democratization, as well as the role artistic professionals with different cultural backgrounds play in achieving this goal. It provides guidance and support for the preservation

    Verneplan for skog

    This legislation sets out the proposed forest reserve areas within Norway – covering a total of 10,400 hectares. The purpose is to protect specific areas from logging and other development projects, all in accordance with Norway’s Nature Conservation Act. The proposed areas include several different forest types, with a variety of species and habitats of high conservation value. The legislation also outlines the potential impact of the proposed forest reserve areas on cultural heritage sites such as ruins and ancient settlements. The protection of these cultural sites will be managed

    Guvernul Hotărâre Nr. 662 din 27-05-2016 dintre Moldova Franceze

    This agreement outlines the cooperation between the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Culture and Communication of France in managing, preserving, and promoting cultural heritage. The collaboration aims to exchange experiences and information on the conservation, protection, and management of movable, architectural, and urban heritage. The partnership highlights the importance of reinforcing the skills of heritage professionals in Moldova by providing training in France or in Moldova by French experts. They also developed a program of actions to achieve their objectives, which they periodically

    Loi du 24 avril 2016 portant approbation de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine architectural de l’Europe ouverte à signature le 3 octobre 1985 à Grenade

    This legislation focuses on the preservation and promotion of architectural heritage across Europe. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding historical buildings, sites, and monuments to maintain their cultural and historical significance. The document highlights the need for legal frameworks to protect architectural heritage, including the establishment of conservation policies and procedures. Furthermore, the legislation stresses the significance of public participation and associations in heritage conservation efforts. It encourages collaboration between governmental bodies, cultural institutions, and the public to ensure effective preservation and management of architectural heritage. The document also underlines

    Loi du 29 mars 2016 modifiant la loi du 13 septembre 2012 portant création d’un pacte climat avec les communes

    This legislation focuses on the certification of personnel involved in railway safety within the context of environmental sustainability. It outlines specific subsidies allocated based on population size and certification dates, with capped amounts to support these initiatives. The document also addresses the regulatory framework for railway operations, emphasising interoperability, safety standards, and the certification process for railway staff. In the realm of heritage, this legislation plays a crucial role in preserving and promoting the historical significance of railway infrastructure and operations. By ensuring that certified personnel adhere to stringent safety

    Decreto Ministeriale 9 aprile 2016, n.198 Disposizioni in materia di aree e parchi archeologici e istituti e luoghi della cultura di rilevante interesse nazionale ai sensi dell’articolo 6 del decreto ministeriale 23 gennaio 2016 (Ministerial Decree No. 198 of 9 April 2016 Provisions on archaeological areas and parks and cultural institutes and sites of major national interest pursuant to Article 6 of the Ministerial Decree of 23 January 2016)

    The “DECRETO 9 aprile 2016” focuses on regulations concerning archaeological areas, parks, and cultural institutions of national significance in Italy. This decree aims to enhance the management and protection of these important cultural assets by setting out specific guidelines for their governance and operational structures. The main themes include the establishment of dedicated management structures for archaeological parks and cultural sites, ensuring they receive the attention and resources necessary for their preservation. The decree also emphasises the importance of integrating these sites into broader cultural and educational programs to increase

    Laki ylimääräisistä taiteilijaeläkkeistä

    The legislation outlines the framework for granting extraordinary artist pensions in Finland, recognizing the significant contributions of artists to cultural heritage. It aims to support artists who have permanently resided in Finland and have shown exemplary work as creative or performing artists. The pension is categorised into full and partial pensions, based on the applicant’s income. A full pension of 1,328.69 euros per month is granted if the applicant’s taxable income falls below the specified threshold. Partial pensions, amounting to half of the full pension, are available for those whose

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