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  • Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Burgenländisches Kulturförderungsgesetz (Cultural Promotion Act of Burgenland)

    The federal State of Burgenland has adopted for the first time a law on cultural promotion in 1980, still in force as amended in January 2017. The Burgenländisches Kulturförderungsgesetz (Cultural Promotion Act of Burgenland) is therefore the legal basis for all initiatives for cultural heritage protection, promotion and safeguard. It establishes Culture Advisory Councils (Kulturbeiräte) of experts in several cultural-related fields, including cultural heritage. It provides funding and support mechanisms for culture and cultural heritage promotion. For the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, the Cultural Promotion Act of Burgenland

    National Raised Bog Special Areas of Conservation Management Plan 2017–2022

    This policy, the National Raised Bog Special Areas of Conservation Management Plan 2017-2022, is drafted for the management and protection of Irish peatlands. This document focuses on providing measures for preserving and restoring raised bogs in the country that are of national conservation value. It highlights the traditional right of citizens to cut turf for their fuel needs, but it also recognizes the conflict between this activity and the conservation objectives of the State. The overall aim of the document is to protect these valuable natural resources while respecting the

    Adopt a Monument: guidance for community archaeology projects,

    This comprehensive guide delves into the promotion, outreach, and communication strategies for heritage sites, offering valuable insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of Irish Heritage. The document covers a wide range of topics, including effective ways to promote heritage, preparation of press releases, website building considerations, interpretation needs, funding opportunities, legal protection, and the development of heritage trails. The guide emphasizes the importance of engaging and newsworthy press releases, highlighting the necessity of including factual information and addressing key questions in the initial paragraph. It also stresses the

    Ordonnance du DFI instituant un régime d’encouragement des musées, des collections et des réseaux de tiers en vue de la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel (Ordinance of the FDHA establishing a system of incentives for museums, collections and third-party networks with a view to safeguarding cultural heritage)

    The Swiss Ordinance on the Promotion of Museums, Collections, and Third-Party Networks for the Protection of Cultural Heritage establishes a framework for supporting cultural institutions and networks dedicated to safeguarding cultural heritage. This ordinance aims to enhance the preservation, accessibility, and appreciation of cultural assets across Switzerland. The primary themes of the ordinance include providing financial and strategic support to museums, collections, and cultural networks. It outlines the criteria and procedures for granting subsidies, ensuring that funds are allocated effectively to promote conservation and public engagement with cultural heritage. The

    Loi du 7 décembre 2016 portant approbation de la Convention européenne pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique ouverte à la signature le 16 janvier 1992 à la Valette

    This legislation focuses on the protection of archaeological heritage within the European context. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding archaeological sites, structures, and artefacts as sources of collective memory and historical study. The document outlines measures for the physical protection, conservation, and maintenance of archaeological heritage, including the establishment of reserve zones and appropriate storage facilities for artefacts. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the need for international cooperation in heritage conservation. It encourages the exchange of expertise and experiences among European countries to reduce risks of degradation and promote conservation efforts.

    Strategia pentru cultură și patrimoniu național 2016-2022

    This comprehensive text outlines the cultural policies and trends in Europe, with a specific focus on Romania’s cultural strategy for the years 2016-2022. It provides valuable insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage. The report delves into the financial aspects of the cultural sector at the local level, highlighting the challenges in estimating the exact budget allocation due to its assimilation within a broader budgetary chapter. It emphasizes the need for strategic management and the preservation of cultural and natural heritage, addressing the impact of modernization

    Motion 2016/17:607 Preservation rights for movable cultural heritage

    This legislation aims to strengthen the preservation rights for Sweden’s mobile cultural heritage, emphasizing the critical role of civil society in managing and preserving this heritage. The motion proposes a collaborative effort between the government and civil society to develop policies that support the protection, usage, and development of mobile cultural heritage. Key points include the need to mitigate the restrictive impacts of current government and municipal regulations, which often hinder preservation efforts. The legislation suggests implementing protective measures against intentional or unintentional bureaucratic obstacles that complicate the maintenance of

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