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  • Decreto ministeriale 12 gennaio 2017 n. 15, “Adeguamento delle soprintendenze speciali agli standard internazionali in materia di musei e luoghi della cultura” (Ministerial Decree No. 15 of 12 January 2017, ‘Adaptation of special superintendencies to international standards for museums and places of culture’)

    The decree issued on January 12, 2017, focuses on upgrading the special superintendencies to international standards for museums and cultural sites in Italy. This legislative effort aligns with articles from previous laws passed in December 2016 and 2015, respectively. The main objective is to enhance the management and operational standards of cultural heritage institutions, ensuring they meet global best practices. One of the primary themes of the decree is the restructuring of administrative processes within cultural institutions. This includes modernising organisational frameworks to improve efficiency, accountability, and service quality. The

    Resolução da Assembleia da República nº38/2017, de 6 de março: Fomentar o acesso dos cidadãos aos museus e monumentos nacionais

    Resolution 38/2017 focuses on recommending measures to enhance citizens’ access to national museums and monuments, with a specific emphasis on implementing free entry. The resolution urges the government to take necessary steps to encourage and facilitate the public’s visitation to these cultural sites. It calls for the promotion of free access to museums and monuments for all citizens, in coordination with municipalities and entities within the Portuguese Museum Network. Additionally, the resolution advocates for the enforcement of a budget measure from 2017 that reinstates free entry to all national museums

    Proposition 2016/17:116 Cultural heritage policy

    The Bill describes the Government’s cultural heritage policy priorities and discusses the emergence of the cultural heritage area as a separate policy area. The Bill sets out the general starting points for the museums’ work with collection management, knowledge building and public activities. international issues, the structure of the museum sector, collections and cultural objects, cultural environment policy and ecclesiastical cultural heritage, the state’s management of culturally and historically valuable properties, and digitisation, archives and libraries.

    DECRETO-LEGGE 20 febbraio 2017, n. 14. Disposizioni urgenti in materia di sicurezza delle città (Decree-law No. 14 of 20 February 2017. Urgent provisions on city security)

    The “DECRETO-LEGGE 20 febbraio 2017, n. 14” is a legislative act focusing on urgent measures for city security and urban decorum in Italy. This decree aims to enhance public safety and improve the quality of urban life through coordinated actions among various levels of government and other institutional bodies. Key themes include integrated security and urban security. Integrated security refers to collective efforts by the State, Regions, autonomous Provinces, and local entities to maintain a unified safety system. Urban security focuses on protecting public spaces, preventing crime, and addressing issues

    Proposition 2016/17:109 Strengthening the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict and occupation

    The bill proposes that Sweden ratify the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 14 May 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (the 1954 Hague Convention). Sweden signed it on 26 March 1999 and the protocol creates enhanced protection of cultural property in the event of an armed conflict and occupation. The Second Protocol entered into force on 9 March 2004. The bill contains proposals for the legislative measures required for Sweden to fulfil its obligations under the protocol. A new provision is

    RÉSOLUTION EUROPÉENNE sur la réforme européenne du droit d’ auteur

    This legislation addresses the reform of European copyright law, focusing on accessibility for individuals with visual impairments and other reading difficulties. It emphasises the importance of balancing copyright protection with the need for wider access to published works for those with disabilities. The document highlights concerns about the scope of exceptions related to text and data mining, suggesting limitations to prevent commercial use. Furthermore, it discusses the significance of respecting the spirit of the Marrakech Treaty to enhance access to printed works for the visually impaired. The legislation also touches

    Project Ireland 2040 – National Planning Framework

    The National Planning Framework (NPF), otherwise known as Project Ireland 2040, is a long-term strategy that sets out a vision for the future of Ireland, including a plan for sustainable development and growth over the next 20 years. The framework aims to promote greater regional balance, a renewed focus on urban areas, and the development of infrastructure in line with climate and environmental considerations. One of the important themes outlined in the NPF is the preservation and promotion of Ireland’s rich cultural and natural heritage. The NPF recognizes the invaluable

    The Asset Transfer Request (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2016

    This legislation outlines the procedures and regulations governing asset transfer requests related to heritage sites in Scotland. It provides a structured framework for community empowerment and involvement in the management and use of heritage assets. The document emphasises the importance of community input and engagement in decisions regarding the transfer of ownership or rights in heritage lands. One key aspect highlighted in the legislation is the requirement for asset transfer requests to be made in writing, clearly stating the intentions and proposals of the community transfer body regarding the use

    Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası

    The constitution ensures freedom of conscience and religion, affirming the right to worship without compulsion. It mandates inclusive religious and moral education under state oversight, with compulsory courses in schools. Furthermore, it emphasises the protection of diverse historical, cultural, and natural heritage, with the state providing support and incentives for preservation. Additionally, it underscores the state’s duty to safeguard artistic endeavours and artists, promoting inclusivity and appreciation for various forms of expression. The constitution also outlines plans for balanced economic and cultural development, aiming to preserve heritage while fostering inclusivity

    Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Steiermärkisches Kultur- und Kunstförderungsgesetz 2005 – KuKuFöG 2005 (Art and Cultural Promotion Act of Styria)

    The Steiermärkisches Kultur- und Kunstförderungsgesetz 2005 is the basic law for art and culture promotion in Styria as amended the last time in 2017. The document identifies cultural activities as essential intellectual and creative endeavours that produce and reproduce works, emphasising their indispensability for societal development. It highlights that such activities offer significant innovative potential and drive societal progress. The amended act explicitly mentions the support for diverse artistic fields, including visual arts, new media, architecture, performing arts, film, literature, music, music theatre, sound art, general folk culture, museums, monument

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