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  • Verneplan for skog

    This legislation outlines a comprehensive plan for forest conservation. As part of the government commitment to preserving natural resources, the Ministry of Climate and Environment has identified 19 new forest areas to be designated as reserves in accordance with the Nature Diversity Act. Protecting these forests contributes to maintaining the country’s ecological balance and to preserving its natural heritage. The legislation introduces five new extensions to existing nature reserves, all of which are vital ecosystems that support Norway’s endemic plant and animal life. The policy’s total conservation area covers approximately

    Lei n.º 42/2017, de 14 de junho: Reconhecimento e proteção de estabelecimentos e entidades de interesse histórico e cultural ou social local

    This law establishes the regime for the recognition and protection of establishments and entities of local historical and cultural or social interest (third amendment to Law no. 6/2006, which approves the New Urban Lease Regime, and fourth amendment to Decree-Law no. 157/2006, which approves the legal regime for works on leased buildings). With regard to the protection of establishments and entities of local historical and cultural or social interest, the law defines that municipalities are responsible for protecting and safeguarding establishments and entities of local historical and cultural or social

    DECRETO-LEGGE 20 luglio 2021, n. 103. Misure urgenti per la tutela delle vie d’acqua di interesse culturale e per la salvaguardia di Venezia, nonché disposizioni urgenti per la tutela del lavoro (Decree law No. 103 of 20 July 2021. Urgent measures for the protection of waterways of cultural interest and for the safeguard of Venice, as well as urgent provisions for the protection of labour)

    The decree-law issued on April 13, 2017, addresses urgent measures for the protection of culturally significant waterways and the preservation of Venice, alongside provisions for labour protection. This legislation underscores the necessity of maintaining the integrity, dignity, and safety of Venice’s waterways, recognizing them as national monuments. A significant component of this law is the restriction of large vessels in Venice’s urban waterways, aiming to prevent environmental and structural damage. The decree specifically prohibits the passage of ships exceeding 25,000 gross tonnage, 180 metres in length, or 35 metres in

    DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 13 aprile 2017, n. 60. Norme sulla promozione della cultura umanistica, sulla valorizzazione del patrimonio e delle produzioni culturali e sul sostegno della creatività, a norma dell’articolo 1, commi 180 e 181, lettera g), della legge 13 luglio 2015, n. 107 (Legislative decree No. 60 of 13 April 2017. Rules on the promotion of humanistic culture, the valorisation of cultural heritage and production and the support of creativity, pursuant to Article 1, paragraphs 180 and 181(g) of Law No 107 of 13 July 2015)

    This document, a legislative decree issued on April 13, 2017, outlines the promotion of humanistic culture, the enhancement of cultural heritage and productions, and the support of creativity. It aims at integrating cultural education into the national education system, emphasising the importance of arts and humanities for students’ comprehensive development. The decree is a direct application of provisions from the July 13, 2015, law on national education reform. The legislation underscores the centrality of humanistic culture and artistic knowledge in recognizing human dignity and values. It mandates that the national

    DECRETO-LEGGE 24 aprile 2017, n. 50. Disposizioni urgenti in materia finanziaria, iniziative a favore degli enti territoriali, ulteriori interventi per le zone colpite da eventi sismici e misure per lo sviluppo (Decree-law No. 50 of 24 April 2017. Urgent provisions on financial matters, initiatives in favour of territorial entities, further interventions for areas affected by seismic events and measures for development)

    The “DECRETO-LEGGE 24 aprile 2017, n. 50” is a legislative decree addressing urgent financial matters, initiatives for local authorities, additional interventions for areas affected by seismic events, and measures for economic development. It is designed to provide immediate solutions for pressing fiscal issues, enhance resource allocation for local entities, and stimulate economic growth in Italy. The decree’s multifaceted approach aims to address tax evasion, support regions impacted by natural disasters, and introduce economic growth measures. One of the key themes of the decree is the implementation of measures to combat

    Real Decreto 385/2017, de 8 de abril, por el que se declara la Trashumancia como Manifestación Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial

    Transhumant livestock activity, deeply rooted in the cultural and historical fabric of Spain, has historically played a significant role in shaping the landscape and fostering social, economic, and ecological interconnections. This traditional practice, known as “transhumant pastoral culture,” has not only sustained livelihoods but also contributed to the cultural identity of various Spanish territories, leaving behind a rich legacy of cultural and ethnographic heritage. The integration of transhumance as a Representative Manifestation of intangible cultural heritage underscores its importance in promoting social cohesion within local communities. Moreover, it serves as

    Regulamento do Fundo Municipal “Lojas Com História”

    The Regulation of the “Shops with History” Municipal Fund aims to establish and regulate the terms for accessing the fund created with a budget of €250,000. The fund is part of Lisbon Municipality’s strategy to safeguard unique and distinctive shops in the economic sector. It is designed to financially support expenses incurred by shops that have been recognized as “Shops with History” according to specific municipal regulations. The regulation outlines the criteria for eligible expenses that can be covered by the fund, such as rent, utilities, and maintenance costs. The

    Regulamento Municipal de Atribuição da Distinção “Lojas com História”

    The “Municipal Regulation for Awarding the ‘Historic Shops’ Distinction” in Lisbon aims to safeguard and recognize unique shops with historical, architectural, or decorative significance. The regulation outlines specific criteria for determining which shops qualify for this distinction, focusing on the historical value of their economic activities. It establishes fines and additional penalties for non-compliance, emphasising the importance of preserving cultural heritage and supporting local commerce. The regulation sets out objectives such as promoting the conservation of historic shops, enhancing the city’s cultural identity, and encouraging proper documentation and maintenance of

    Motion 2016/17:3643 in connection with Bill 2016/17:116 Cultural Heritage Policy

    This document addresses the Swedish government’s cultural heritage policy as proposed in the 2016/17 session. It aims to foster a rich and innovative cultural life accessible to all while preserving and making cultural heritage available. Despite the government’s efforts to build on the previous administration’s policies, the authors argue that the current approach lacks clarity and inclusivity, especially regarding centralist perspectives and definitions of key concepts like education, democracy, and growth. A significant focus of the document is on the inclusivity and accessibility of cultural heritage. The authors emphasize the

    Act amending the Act on Building Preservation and Preservation of Buildings and Urban Environments

    The amendment to the Danish Building Conservation Act aims to enhance the protection and management of significant cultural heritage collections. This legislation addresses the need to balance the preservation of heritage buildings with the practical requirements of museums housed within these structures, particularly when such buildings are at risk or no longer suitable for their purpose. One of the main provisions includes the reformation of the Special Building Inspection’s composition, ensuring a broader representation of professional expertise beyond just architectural specialists. This change aims to incorporate diverse perspectives in the

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