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  • Act on the Protection of Cultural Assets in the Event of Armed Conflict

    The purpose of the bill is to create the necessary legislative basis for fulfilling the requirements for criminal liability and extradition pursuant to the Second Protocol of 26 March 1999 to the UNESCO Convention of 14 May 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict with the First Protocol. The bill creates a basis for a number of specified violations directed against cultural assets in the event of armed conflict to become punishable. It is also proposed that amendments be made to the Extradition Act

    Decreto Regulamentar Regional nº 6/2017/A: Regime Específico de Proteção e Valorização do Património Cultural Imóvel do Lugar do Aeroporto de Santa Maria

    This Regional Regulatory Decree, approved by the Regional Government of Azores, establishes a specific regime for the protection and valorization of cultural heritage in the Santa Maria Airport area. It aligns with the new legal framework for protecting cultural heritage, responding to the physical and socio-cultural reality of the site. The document emphasises the need to address the current state of physical degradation and precariousness of some constructions in the area. This decree aims to ensure the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Santa Maria Airport area, classified as

    Dispozita Të Kodit Doganor

    The Customs Code outline customs procedures for goods circulation, including exemptions for educational, scientific, and cultural materials. It emphasizes accessibility for blind individuals, promotes cultural heritage preservation, and provides exceptions for trade fairs. The law aims to facilitate international trade while ensuring inclusivity and cultural exchange. The policy outlines customs regulations related to cultural goods, emphasizing inclusivity and accessibility. It exempts educational, scientific, and cultural materials from import duties, ensuring their availability regardless of the recipient or purpose. Additionally, it addresses exemptions for blind persons’ educational tools and materials, promoting

    Νόμος 4495/2017 (Α 167/03-11-2017) Έλεγχος και προστασία του Δομημένου Περιβάλλοντος και άλλες διατάξεις.

    The law regulates the procedure for issuing and controlling building permits. It also presents measures to prevent unauthorised buildings and constructions, as well as mechanisms to deal with unauthorised buildings that have been built after or after 28/07/2011. Article 117 regulates arbitrary constructions and uses in listed buildings. The law also introduces the Electronic Building Identity which is issued exclusively electronically. It als regulates the Land use Planning Implementation, the design of Public Spaces and issues related to Environmental Balance. Finally, the law also defines the responsibilities of the Local

    Décret relatif à la protection culturelle du livre

    This legislation focuses on the cultural protection of books within the French Community Parliament, aiming to preserve the diversity and accessibility of literature. It establishes regulations to ensure a varied and high-quality supply of books for the public, emphasising the importance of maintaining a diverse range of literary works. The decree defines different types of books, including printed and digital formats, and outlines the responsibilities of various stakeholders in the book distribution process. One key aspect of the legislation is the establishment of a pricing evaluation mechanism for books, which

    Schéma régional de développement du tourisme et des loisirs – Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

    The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region has launched a bold strategy for tourism based on 6 strategic objectives to be achieved through 36 priority projects (Chantiers). Each of these has been detailed in outlining its main characteristics. Notably, strategic objective 3 is devoted to Support digital innovation in services and the growth of digital technologies within the tourism sector. This strategic initiative focuses on supporting the digital transition of professionals and ensuring a well-managed development of new tourism technologies. Key actions include expanding Wi-Fi networks in tourist regions, developing a regional platform for

    Azərbaycan Respublikasinin Cinayət Qanunu

    (The Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan) The Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan establishes the legal framework for criminal responsibility and punishment, based on principles of legality, equality before the law, fault-based liability, justice, and humanism. It ensures the safety of individuals and society, treating all offenders equally regardless of their background, and prohibits inhumane treatment or punishment. The code outlines the criteria for defining criminal acts and determines appropriate penalties. This law prohibits actions during armed conflicts that violate international humanitarian law by causing significant damage

    Kulturerbegesetz, KEG (Cultural Heritage Act)

    The Kulturerbegesetz (Cultural Heritage Act) of the Canton of St. Gallen establishes a robust framework for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage in the region. This legislation is designed to ensure the preservation of cultural assets, both tangible and intangible, recognizing their critical importance to the community’s historical identity and continuity. The primary aim of the Kulturerbegesetz is to safeguard cultural heritage through systematic identification, documentation, and conservation efforts. The law mandates that cultural properties, such as historical buildings, monuments, and archaeological sites, are carefully maintained and restored to

    Loi du 2 août 2017

    These legislative amendments have been introduced to regulate classified establishments and industrial emissions, impacting the country’s heritage and environmental landscape. The amendments focus on enhancing the monitoring and assessment of establishments’ effects on the environment and public health. They also address the authorization process for establishments with significant impacts on neighbouring states, emphasising compliance with emission limits and environmental standards. One key aspect of the legislation is the requirement for detailed environmental impact assessments for classified establishments, ensuring a thorough evaluation of direct and indirect effects on the surrounding areas.

    გარემოსდაცვითი შეფასების კოდექსი # 890-IIს

    The Environmental Assessment Code is a comprehensive overview of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) procedures and regulations in Georgia. It outlines the process for submitting screening and scoping applications to the Agency, as well as the public review of EIA reports. The involvement of the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia in the decision-making process is also detailed. The document emphasizes the importance of integrating environmental issues, particularly the promotion of sustainable development, within the strategic document. It addresses general

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