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  • Erfgoeddatabanken (Heritage Databases of the Department of Culture, Youth and Media of the Flemish Community)

    The process of the decentralisation of competences significantly empowered local communities in Belgium by shifting cultural responsibilities from the provinces to the Flemish Community and local councils. This move placed heritage database management under the Department of Culture, Youth, and Media’s Safeguarding and Management section, thus enhancing local engagement in preserving and showcasing Flemish movable heritage. The Heritage Databases initiative has further allowed cultural heritage organisations within the Flemish Community to more effectively fulfil their roles in protecting and digitising Flemish cultural heritage, meeting the needs of their stakeholders more

    Kulturentwicklungsplan KEP Land Salzburg. Visionen Ziele Maßnahmen (Cultural Development Plan of Salzburg. Visions Goals Measures)

    The “Kulturentwicklungsplan” is a comprehensive strategy for the development of the cultural sector in Salzburg and it addresses cultural heritage through a multifaceted approach. First of all, it advocates for the importance of preserving built cultural heritage and architectural traditions in Salzburg. Emphasis is placed on safeguarding cultural monuments and ensembles that shape Salzburg’s cultural identity. This includes historical buildings as well as those from the recent past​​. The strategy aims at increasing awareness and appreciation of local cultural heritage from a young age by promoting architectural and cultural education.

    Στρατηγική Ανθεκτικότητας της Αθήνας για το 2030

    The “Resilience Strategy 2030” aims to create a city that is Affordable, Green, Proactive and Vibrant through 65 actions and 53 sub-actions. Each pillar is broken down into specific objectives through which the municipality will assess its progress with specific indicators: Affordable city: Measures to promote transparency and accountability, simplify municipal procedures, foster cooperation and a sense of responsibility. Green City: Measures to support environmental infrastructure within the urban fabric and make efficient use of the cities’ waste. The aim is to promote sustainable mobility and co-create public spaces as

    Loi du 21 décembre 2017 concernant l’Institut grand-ducal

    This legislation establishes the Grand-Ducal Institute and its sections, focusing on promoting research, artistic initiatives, and cultural heritage in Luxembourg. The Institute serves as a platform for scholars and artists to collaborate, exchange knowledge, and publish their works. Sections within the Institute, such as historical, scientific, linguistic, and artistic, operate as distinct entities with specific objectives and governance structures. Membership in the sections is based on significant contributions to scientific, cultural, or artistic fields, fostering a community of experts in various domains. Financial resources are allocated by the Minister of

    Règlement grand-ducal du 21 décembre 2017 relatif aux modalités d’administration de l’Institut grand-ducal de Luxembourg

    This legislation outlines the framework for the administration of the Grand-Ducal Institute of Luxembourg, emphasising the roles and responsibilities of key personnel within the Institute. It establishes the positions of President, Secretary General, and section leaders, defining their functions in managing the Institute’s affairs. The document highlights the decision-making processes, meeting protocols, and the preservation of the Institute’s libraries and collections at the National Library of Luxembourg. The President of the Institute is tasked with overseeing common interests, financial matters, and convening and presiding over meetings. In case of absence,

    Guvernul Hotărâre Nr. 1129 din 20-12-2017 pentru aprobarea Acordului dintre Guvernul Republicii Moldova și Guvernul Republicii Letonia privind cooperarea în domeniile educației, culturii, științei, tineretului și sportului, întocmit la Chişinău la 6 noiembrie 2017

    This partnership agreement between Moldova and Latvia regarding cooperation in the fields of education, culture, science, youth and sports, lays out the framework for cultural collaboration between the governments of Moldova and Latvia. Spanning across various fields, the agreement aims to encourage the exchange of knowledge and ideas surrounding art, culture, and heritage. Both countries have strong traditions of cultural heritage and strive to preserve and promote their rich and diverse cultural expressions. The agreement emphasizes cooperation in areas such as the promotion of cultural industries, the protection and exchange

    Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Act 2017

    This legislation focuses on the protection of cultural heritage during armed conflicts, emphasising the importance of safeguarding cultural property for future generations. It outlines provisions for the implementation of the Hague Convention and its Protocols, aiming to prevent the destruction and damage of significant cultural artefacts. The Act establishes guidelines for the protection of movable and immovable cultural property, including monuments, archaeological sites, and works of art, irrespective of ownership. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the granting of special protection to refugees and centres containing cultural property

    Decreto-Lei n.º 152-B/2017, de 11 de dezembro: Alteração do regime jurídico da avaliação de impacte ambiental de projetos

    This decree-law alters the Decree Law n.º 151-B/2013 and defines new rules for the assessment of environmental impact of public and private projects with the potential to have significant effects on the environment. For this, it introduces into Portuguese law the European directive 2014/52/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. The legislation defines that the assessment and decisions about projects will take into account: – the effects on the soil – the assessment of the project’s effects on climate – the

    Loi du 1er décembre 2017 portant approbation de la Convention européenne relative à la protection du patrimoine audiovisuel, faite à Strasbourg, le 8 novembre 2001

    This legislation focuses on the protection and promotion of European audiovisual heritage, emphasising the significance of safeguarding cultural diversity and identity. It outlines obligations for Parties to designate archival institutions responsible for preserving and providing access to audiovisual materials. The document stresses the importance of financial and technical support for these archival organisations to fulfil their missions effectively. Furthermore, the legislation establishes guidelines for legal deposit requirements, encouraging voluntary contributions to enrich audiovisual collections. It highlights the cooperative efforts among archival and voluntary deposit entities to enhance the preservation and

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