Policy Monitor
The European Heritage Hub Policy Monitor maps out policies impacting cultural and natural heritage across European, national and local level. Navigate the developing policy landscape by using the interactive map below or the search bar.
The Policy Monitor is managed by the European Heritage Hub, an-EU funded pilot project bringing together heritage stakeholders and initiatives across Europe to support the transition towards a more sustainable, digital and inclusive society.
All policies in the monitor are organised under 5 key categories, linked to the Five Pillars of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage and the Triple Transformation:
* = This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence
The Policy Monitor will be updated on a regular basis to include new policies and updates. Please note that while a number of countries are already online, we are working to provide a full overview of Europe by September 2024.
Have other questions or would like to get involved?
The European Heritage Hub Policy Monitor is a digital tool mapping out policies impacting cultural and natural heritage Europe. It also serves as an observatory to analyse policy developments. From now until the end of the pilot phase of the Hub, through the Monitor the Hub’s Policy Team will be observing trends in the policy landscape at European, national and regional level.
For the purposes of the Monitor, a policy can include bye-laws, frameworks, guidelines, legislation, plans, strategies etc. emanating from government level (EU, as well as national and regional/local) which propose a course of action or direction with impacts on heritage.
In the Monitor, you can find policies from various countries and levels of government from across Europe. The content is arranged along 5 categories based on the Triple Transformation (Green, Digital & Social) and the 5 Pillars of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage.
Navigation through the Monitor is facilitated by both a search bar; a side menu where you filter policies based on language, geography, and category; and an interactive map, where you can click on your country of interest and it will bring you to all regions directly.
All countries of the European Union, its Member States, candidate countries, and Members of the Council of Europe will fall into the scope of the Policy Monitor.
There is a rich and multilingual collection of policies, but the summaries and key information for all the policies in the monitor are all in English.
Between now and September 2024, the Policy Team is doing a preliminary search of all countries in Europe. A first selection of countries is already accessible through the interactive map, a second round will be prepared for May 2024, and the third and final round will be ready in September 2024. Please bear with us as we complete the map of Europe!
The European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage is a policy paper from the European Commission that reflects the common set-up for heritage-related activities at European level, primarily in EU policies and programmes. It purpose proposes a series of actions to be implemented by the whcih focus on five main thematic areas.
The EU Work Plan for Culture 2023–2026 is a policy document which will shape EU cooperation on culture until 2026. It sets out priorities to address the main challenges facing the cultural and creative sectors today and corresponding actions to address them.
The Triple Transformation is an overarching theme for all the Hub’s activities, from networking and capacity building to policy and advocacy efforts. The Triple Transformation framing highlights three strands of transformative change: green, digital, and social, which are all central to the Hub’s mission.
The Policy Monitor is managed by the European Heritage Hub, an-EU funded pilot project run by a consortium of 20 partners led by Europa Nostra.
Suggested Policies can be submitted to the Policy Team by contacting to@europanostra.org
For any identified errors or general feedback, please feel free to contact the team at to@europanostra.org. Your input is highly valued in maintaining the quality and accuracy of the Monitor.