Call for Applications: Organisations of Spin-Off Events “Youth for the future of cultural heritage in Europe”

[This opportunity is provided by ESACH. The following text is the original description provided by the organisers. Please note that while we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, the European Heritage Hub does not guarantee the accuracy or endorse the content of this initiative]


The European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage (ESACH) invites applications for spin-off events, either online or in-person, centred on the five key principles outlined in our position paper, “Youth for the future of cultural heritage in Europe”: Inclusion, Collaboration, Strengthening the Sector, Intergenerational Exchange and Dialogue, and New Technologies. The paper emphasises the importance of youth in preserving and promoting cultural heritage, especially in the face of climate change, and was developed as a follow up to the 2022 European Year of Youth. It aims to bring forward the priorities of youth for cultural heritage and highlights cultural heritage’s potential to foster social cohesion, professional resilience, intergenerational dialogue, and innovative technological integration. The position paper is available here.


In conjunction with the findings outlined in ESACH position paper (analysed in detail in the ESACH Quarterly no. 3), the spin-off events should strive to connect to at least one of the principles below:

  1. Inclusion: Enhance social cohesion and a sense of belonging through participatory heritage processes, actively including civil society and youth.
  2. Collaboration: Promote flexible and inclusive collaboration models within the cultural heritage sector, incorporating informal networks and youth groups.
  3. Strengthening the Sector: Bolster the inclusivity and resilience of cultural heritage professions by advocating for fair internships, accessible junior positions, and youth involvement in decision-making.
  4. Intergenerational Exchange and Dialogue: Foster equal participation of different generations, facilitating opportunities for intergenerational connection and skill exchange.
  5. New Technologies: Leverage digital technologies to create new connections among cultural heritage, society, and professionals, providing accessible training and open access information.


Why apply:

  • Contribute to advancing cultural heritage policies and practices, particularly related to the youth engagement in the sector;
  • Network with professionals and peers in the cultural heritage sector;
  • Possibility to present at “Youth heritage days”, youth-led conference on cultural heritage organised in the framework of European Heritage Hub project and gain recognition for your work (stay tuned for more details about the event to be published soon*).


Who can apply:

  • University groups, NGOs, or peer networks with a strong interest in cultural heritage research, management, policy or advocacy;
  • Organisers who can host events in academic settings, cultural institutions, community spaces, or other relevant (indoors or outdoors) spaces.

Organisers can be legal entities, informal groups/networks, or individuals that can commit themselves and have the resources to organise at least a one-hour webinar. Applicants need to be members of ESACH (if you are not, you can apply here). Residents and citizens of non-EU countries are particularly encouraged to apply.

Event guidelines:

  • Hosted online or in-person;
  • Minimum duration of 1 hour;
  • Focus on at least one of the five principles;
  • Formats can include, without being limited to, conferences, workshops, seminars, panel discussions, or interactive sessions;
  • Held in English or local language.


How to apply:

​Interested parties should submit:

  1. A detailed proposal outlining the event concept, objectives, and relevance to one or more of the five principles (see Annex 1 below).
  2. Information about the organising team and their background in cultural heritage (see Annex 2 below).

Applications should include one PDF with the event proposal as per the structure in Annex 1 and another PDF with the team members as per the structure in Annex 2, archived in a .zip or .rar file with the name of the event and sent at with the “Spin-off event application – (NAME OF THE APPLICANT) as the subject. Please note that incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

Submission Deadline:

  1. For applicants who want to be considered for the presentation at Youth Heritage Days (to be held in Spain, 30 October to 3 November, detailed announcement soon): deadline for the applications September 15, 2024, 8pm CEST and last day for the event September 22, 2024
  2. All other applications are encouraged to organise event throughout autumn, with the deadline for the applications being December 14, 2024, 8pm CET and last day for the event December 21, 2024

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