ALIPH Call for Projects to protect cultural heritage from the impact of climate change.

[This opportunity is provided by ALIPH. The following text is the original description provided by the organisers. Please note that while we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, the European Heritage Hub does not guarantee the accuracy or endorse the content of this initiative]

ALIPH supports a wide variety of projects to protect heritage that is endangered due to conflict or the impact of climate change.

To be considered for selection, projects need to fulfil certain criteria, in particular the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the solutions being proposed, their scientific quality and their contribution to local development.

Priorities of the 6th Call for projects

While global, ALIPH’s 6th call pays particular attention to projects addressing the intersection of climate change and cultural heritage in Africa across the three categories of projects presented below. Successful proposals will integrate at least one of these types of initiatives. Projects integrating more than one of the themes will be given priorities.

However, the projects within ALIPH’s traditional mission that fall outside the priority themes of this Call for projects would be evaluated and, where applicable, selected (e.g. climate change in other areas and conflicts worldwide).

The impact of these projects in terms of training, jobs, effective contribution to sustainable development or peacebuilding will be prioritized.

Categories of projects

  1. Protection, conservation, rehabilitation
  2. Capacity-building and knowledge transfer
  3. Actionable research


Selection process and timeline:

The deadline is set to Thursday, 21 November 2024, 15:00 CET. The projects will be evaluated in the course of the following months and the final decision will be communicated to applicants by July 2025.

In a fair and rigorous assessment process, ALIPH will select projects that best meet the selection criteria, and most significantly contribute to ALIPH’s mission.

Once your application is submitted online and considered eligible by the ALIPH Secretariat, the Scientific Committee will review your project proposal and make recommendations to the Foundation Board for final decision.

All submitted projects will be notified of the decision by ALIPH’s Foundation Board as soon as it is taken.


Proposals should be submitted in English and include an Executive Summary in both French and English. If necessary, automatic translation systems can be used.


Eligible operators and institutions:

  • Institutions in charge of the protection, conservation, and promotion of cultural heritage;
  • Private organizations (foundations, NGO, non-profit, charity, associations, etc.);
  • Universities and research centers;
  • Private, for-profit organizations can be considered based on the overall interest of the project and the lack of availability of non-profit alternatives.


The applicants must demonstrate that they have:

  • Previous relevant experience (including management of projects of comparable size);
  • Relevant expertise (including capacity for research project as applicable);
  • Financial stability;
  • Capacity to deliver the project;
  • Local partnerships, and the necessary agreements with local/national authorities and/or communities.


For applicants from outside the country of implementation, the application must demonstrate the ability to implement in the selected environment and collaborate with local partners. Where relevant, the necessary authorizations will be requested. Applicants must also be able to financially operate in the proposed country, including the ability to transfer funds to local partners, etc.

ALIPH reserves the right to perform background checks and screenings throughout the review process.

More funding opportunities


ALIPH Call for Projects to protect cultural heritage from the impact of climate change.


Grants for Internationalisation: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Cinema and Cross-Disciplinary projects


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Subsidies for rehabilitation at the building level

Andalucía, Spain

Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans: Small Grants for Individuals in Western Balkans

Western Balkans
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