New European Bauhaus Festival

09/04/2024 - 13/04/2024

[This event is organised by the European Union. The following text is the original description provided by the organisers. Please note that while we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, the European Heritage Hub does not guarantee the accuracy or endorse the content of this event]

Welcome to the New European Bauhaus Festival, where imagination meets sustainability and inclusivity for a beautiful future! Join us in Brussels from the 9th to the 13th of April in Parc du Cinquantenaire and the Arts & History Museum, online, or attend a Satellite Event from Europe and beyond.

During interactive sessions, workshops, demonstrations, and artistic performances, you will discover and experience the innovative power of Europe in building a common future that is not only visually stunning but also mindful of our collective well-being.

The festival will also feature the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024 Ceremony, rewarding 20 projects, designs, and ideas that align and exemplify the movement’s commitment and embody the NEB values. Two of these winning projects will come from your vote, you can choose here your preferred ones until 27 March. The 2024 edition will feature a Special Recognition to Ukraine’s Reconstruction and Recovery Effort and will put the spotlight on regions across the EU facing more intensively socio-economic constrains, and places challenged the most by the need to evolve to a carbon neutral economy.

More information here.

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