European Cultural Heritage Summit 2024

06/10/2024 - 08/10/2024

[This event is organised by Europa Nostra, Project Leader of the European Heritage Hub. The following text is the original description provided by the organisers]

The European Cultural Heritage Summit 2024 will take place in Bucharest, Romania, from 6 to 8 October. An important annual rendez-vous for the heritage world, the Summit will provide a new and fitting opportunity to highlight and promote the political, environmental, and societal value of cultural heritage for Europe. Organised by Europa Nostra and co-funded by the European Union, the Bucharest Summit is held under the High Patronage of the President of Romania, H.E. Klaus Iohannis.

This year’s Summit is organised by Europa Nostra, in the frame of its network project European Cultural Heritage Agora co-funded by the European Union, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of Romania, the City of Bucharest, the Romanian Order of Architects, Pro Patrimonio Foundation, Monumentum Association, Association ARA – Architecture. Restoration. Archeology, ARCHÉ Association, and other cultural heritage organisations and partners, both public and private.

The highlights of the Summit programme are the European Heritage Awards Ceremony in honour of the 2024 winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards, which will be held on evening of 7 October at the Romanian Athenaeum, the most prestigious concert hall in Bucharest; the European Heritage Policy Agora, focused on upholding quality principles in heritage conservation; and the European Heritage Hub Forum, addressing cultural heritage and the digital transformation (organised by Europeana in partnership with the Hub Consortium). The Europa Nostra Lecture and the Europa Nostra General Assembly and Council Meeting will also be held during the Summit.

In addition, two partner events will be held on the eve of the Summit, namely a Round Table Discussion: Expectations of Romanian Cultural Heritage Civil Society from Public Authorities and Government (in Romanian only), which will culminate with the presentation of A Manifesto for Cultural Heritage in Romania; and a Youth Forum, organised by the European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage (ESACH) in partnership with Europa Nostra.

The Summit events will be followed by cultural visits on 9-11 October.

For the full Programme of the Bucharest Summit, including the Europa Nostra Council Meeting and General Assembly, please visit

In order to participate in the Bucharest Summit, you are required to register your attendance until 25 September 2024.

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