ENCATC Academy

22/04/2024 - 25/04/2024

[This event is organised by the ENCATC. The following text is the original description provided by the organisers. Please note that while we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, the European Heritage Hub does not guarantee the accuracy or endorse the content of this event]

Over the course of a decade, the ENCATC Academy has emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of education and skills enhancement within the domain of sustainable cultural management. The ENCATC Academy is designed to equip the current and future generation of educators, researchers, students, managers, practitioners, artists and policy makers with new skills and competences to ensure a sustainable future in culture.

By means of comprehensive lectures, immersive case studies, and collaborative practical exercises, participants of the Academy embark on a journey of expanding their knowledge and acquiring fresh competencies. We work towards building climate resilience and fostering inclusivity within the cultural sector. Our programme owes its distinction to our esteemed partners, recognised pioneers in the realms of education and sustainability, guaranteeing a distinctive and superior learning experience.

The ENCATC Academy brings together professionals from across cultural sectors to advance the cause of sustainability in their fields, taking a holistic and interdisciplinary approach. Participants are able to deepen their understanding of how sustainability can be foregrounded and developed in the cultural sector, while building their network of cultural practitioners, experts, academics, researchers and policy makers.

By participating in the Academy, participants can expect to acquire several significant takeaways:

  • Learn about the latest advances in sustainable cultural policy and management.
  • Gain or expand awareness of the multiple dimensions of sustainability in culture.
  • Acquire knowledge on how sustainability and resilience best apply to cultural activities.
  • Get acquainted with the cultural actors that make the sustainable transition possible.
  • Network and expand relationships with like-minded professionals from the cultural field.

Register here.

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