ჰააგის 1954 წლის კონვენციის მეორე ოქმთან შეერთების თაობაზე # 1604

The document contains the provisions and protocols for the protection of cultural property during armed conflicts. The document outlines the application of these protocols in various situations and defines the relationship between Chapter 3 and other provisions of the Convention and this Protocol. It includes general provisions regarding the safeguarding of cultural property and the respect for cultural property.

One key point is that the provisions of this Protocol apply when one party to an armed conflict is not bound by it, as long as the other Party accepts the provisions and applies them. The preparation of inventories, emergency measures for protection, and the designation of competent authorities responsible for safeguarding cultural property are essential steps in safeguarding cultural property against the effects of an armed conflict.

Furthermore, the document provides that the waiver based on imperative military necessity may only be invoked to direct an act of hostility against cultural property when it has been made into a military objective, and there are no feasible alternatives available. The same principle applies when using cultural property for purposes that may expose it to destruction or damage. Thus, the document guides ensuring respect for cultural property during armed conflicts.

Overall, this document is a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European heritage, providing guidelines for the protection of cultural property during armed conflicts. It is important to apply these guidelines to prevent the destruction and damage of invaluable cultural heritage.

„შეიარაღებული კონფლიქტის დროს კულტურულ ფასეულობათა დაცვის შესახებ“ ჰააგის 1954 წლის კონვენციის მეორე ოქმთან შეერთების თაობაზე

Heritage Preservation
Legislative Herald of Georgia
Cultural Property, Armed conflict
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