კანონი სახელმწიფო ეკოლოგიური ექსპერტიზის შესახებ # 426

The purpose of the Law on State Ecological Expertise is to ensure control over the preservation of the ecological balance of the environment based on the consideration of environmental protection requirements, rational use of nature and the principles of sustainable development. It sets the main principles of state ecological expertise which are:
1. Risk assessment of potential environmental hazards of the activity;
2. The complexity of the assessment of its possible impact on the environment before the start of the activity;
3. Consideration of environmental requirements and environmental protection norms;
4. Independence of experts and unrestricted exercise of their authority;
5. The justification and legality of the expert report;
6. Publicity of the examination, participation of the public and consideration of its opinion.
The law identifies the responsible authority for the provision of expertise, its duties and liabilities, and the area of responsibility. The document also sets the procedure for conducting the state ecological expertise and the conclusion document typology and validity.

The Law is linked to the Green transformation as is dedicated to restricting environmentally harmful interventions.

Green Transition
Legislative Herald of Georgia
Ecology, Environment, Impact
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