Закон України. Про охорону археологічної спадщини

The law is designed to regulate relations concerning the preservation of Ukraine’s archaeological heritage, recognized as an essential part of global cultural heritage and an irreplaceable source of historical knowledge. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of researchers involved in archaeological heritage studies. With 8 chapters and 298 articles, the law covers a wide range of aspects related to archaeological heritage management.

Chapter I establishes fundamental concepts, lists relevant Ukrainian laws, and outlines the primary objectives of Ukrainian legislation regarding archaeological heritage protection. Chapter II focuses on state administration of archaeological heritage, while Chapter III addresses scientific research in this field.
Chapter IV delineates the rights and duties of archaeological heritage researchers, ensuring proper conduct and accountability. Financing for protection, defense, and research of archaeological heritage is discussed in Chapter V, while Chapter VI highlights international cooperation efforts by Ukraine.

Responsibilities for violations of archaeological heritage protection laws are outlined in Chapter VII, and final provisions are detailed in Chapter VIII.
This comprehensive law aims to protect Ukraine’s archaeological treasures while promoting responsible research and international collaboration in heritage preservation.

Heritage Preservation, International Cultural Relations
Верховнa Радa України
Archaeological Site, Heritage Site, Monuments, Heritage Protection, Research
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