Zákon o státní památkové péči

The Act on State Landmark Conservation is a principal law that determines the conditions and organization of heritage site conservation in Czechia. It pertains to state institutions as well as to private persons – owners of heritage sites declared as cultural landmarks. There are several other legislative documents (instruments) of different types related to this Act. All can be found on the website of the Ministry of Culture.
The first part determines different types of protection, rules for the designation of different types of cultural landmarks, or their registration. The second part deals with their protection, preservation and restoration. It explains the duties of the state, administrative authorities as well as public and private owners.
The third part focuses on archaeological research and finds. It determines who is eligible to carry out such research and how the finds are treated.
Part four describes the complex system of administration of the state landmark conservation and describes the roles and duties of all bodies involved.
The fifth part deals with infractions by legal entities and individuals. The sixth part contains the final provisions. Several annexes related to restoration works follow.

Heritage Preservation
Ministry of Culture, Czechia
Conservation, conservation areas, Register, Heritage Preservation, Research
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