Zákon č. 206/2009 Z. z.Zákon o múzeách a o galériách a o ochrane predmetov kultúrnej hodnoty a o zmene zákona Slovenskej národnej rady č. 372/1990 Zb. o priestupkoch v znení neskorších predpisov

This law regulates:
1. The status and tasks of museums and galleries, their establishment and closure, the conditions for the exercise of basic professional activities in museums and galleries in the acquisition, protection and presentation of cultural objects as part of cultural heritage;
2. The protection of cultural objects which are registered under this Act and are not protected and registered under special regulations in the field of cultural heritage protection.
3. A cultural object is an original material or spiritual document that has the ability to testify, directly or indirectly, about the development of society and has lasting scientific, historical, cultural or artistic significance. For the purposes of this Act, natural material which has the capacity to testify to the evolution of nature and has lasting scientific and historical significance is also considered to be a cultural object.
4. A museum is a specialized legal entity or organizational unit of a legal entity that, on the basis of research and scientific research, in accordance with its focus and specialization, acquires objects of cultural value, which it professionally manages as collection items, scientifically researches and makes available to the public, especially for the purposes of study, cognition, education and aesthetic experience by specific means of museum communication.
5. A gallery is a specialized legal entity or organizational unit of a legal entity that, on the basis of scientific research in accordance with its focus and specialization, acquires, professionally manages, scientifically researches and makes available collection items from all disciplines of visual arts and realizes creative and artistic outputs and presentations.

Heritage Preservation
Národná rady Slovenskej republiky
Heritage Protection, protected works of art, Museums, Galleries
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