Welsh Language Act 1993

This legislation establishes a framework for promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language in public services and administration in Wales. It emphasises equality between the English and Welsh languages in official contexts.

Public bodies are required to prepare schemes that reflect this language equality principle, with the approval and oversight of a designated Board. The schemes aim to ensure that both Welsh-speaking and non-Welsh-speaking members of the public are represented in decision-making processes that affect them.

One key aspect of the legislation is the consultation requirement for public bodies preparing schemes. This ensures that diverse perspectives, including those of Welsh-speaking individuals, are considered in the development of language-related policies. The Board plays a crucial role in approving or imposing these schemes, with the Secretary of State having the authority to intervene in cases of non-compliance.

Additionally, the legislation addresses the provision of bilingual forms and documents, specifying requirements for their use in various contexts. It includes provisions for amending approved schemes, allowing for flexibility and adaptation to changing circumstances. It also outlines enforcement mechanisms, such as directions from the Secretary of State and investigations into compliance.

Overall, this legislation has a significant impact on heritage in Wales by safeguarding the Welsh language’s status and promoting its use in public life, contributing to the preservation and celebration of Welsh cultural heritage.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
UK Parliament
United Kingdom
Language, Welsh language, Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Rights, Cultural Identity, Welsh identity, Cultural Heritage, Heritage
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