Weinverordnung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 21. April 2009 (BGBl. I S. 827), die zuletzt durch Artikel 6 der Verordnung vom 24. Juni 2024 (BGBl. 2024 I Nr. 215) geändert worden ist (Wein Ordinance)

The 1995 Wine Ordinance (WeinV 1995) provides a detailed regulatory framework for the production, labelling, and marketing of wine in Germany. This legislation aims to ensure the quality and authenticity of German wines, protect consumer interests, and promote fair competition within the wine industry. By setting stringent standards and guidelines, the ordinance helps maintain the high reputation of German wines both domestically and internationally.

The primary purpose of the 1995 Wine Ordinance is to regulate various aspects of wine production, including the classification of wine types, production methods, and geographical indications.The ordinance also outlines the permitted practices in viticulture and vinification, such as grape varieties, harvesting methods, and winemaking techniques, to ensure consistent quality standards.

One of the key points of the ordinance is its emphasis on labelling and geographical indications. It requires that wine labels provide clear and accurate information about the wine’s origin, quality category, and producer. This transparency helps consumers make informed choices and supports the traceability of wine products. The ordinance also protects specific geographical indications, ensuring that only wines produced in designated regions using approved methods can carry certain regional names. This protection safeguards the heritage and reputation of traditional wine-growing areas.

By protecting traditional wine-making practices and geographical indications, the ordinance helps preserve the cultural and historical heritage of Germany’s wine regions. The recognition and promotion of these regions contribute to the continued appreciation and celebration of their unique viticultural traditions. This supports the local economies and enhances the cultural identity and tourism appeal of these areas.

Furthermore, the ordinance promotes sustainable viticulture practices. By regulating the use of pesticides, fertilisers, and other agricultural inputs, it encourages environmentally friendly and sustainable wine production. This focus on sustainability ensures that Germany’s wine heritage is preserved for future generations while also addressing modern environmental concerns.

Heritage Preservation
Bundesministerium der Justiz
Wine Production, Labelling, Marketing, Traditional wine-growing area, Sustainable Viticulture, Environmental Protection
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