Vertrag über die Römerstadt Augusta Raurica, Römervertrag (Treaty on the Roman city of Augusta Raurica)

The “Vertrag über die Römerstadt Augusta Raurica” is focused on the preservation and management of the Roman city Augusta Raurica. Its primary purpose is to outline the cooperative framework between the involved parties to protect and promote this archaeological site. The contract emphasises the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders in ensuring the site’s conservation, research, and public accessibility.

A major theme of the contract is the commitment to maintaining the historical integrity of Augusta Raurica while facilitating ongoing archaeological research. It specifies guidelines for excavation, restoration, and maintenance activities, ensuring they are carried out according to high standards of historical preservation.

The document also highlights the importance of public engagement and education. It supports initiatives that make the archaeological findings and the history of Augusta Raurica accessible to the public through exhibitions, publications, and educational programs. This aspect aims to foster a deeper appreciation of the site’s cultural and historical significance among visitors and the local community.

Overall, the “Vertrag über die Römerstadt Augusta Raurica” plays a crucial role in the stewardship of this important archaeological site. It ensures that Augusta Raurica is preserved for future generations while also promoting its cultural and educational value.

Heritage Preservation
Kanton Basel-Stadt
Roman heritage, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Archaeology, Heritage Conservation, Accessibility, Public Engagement, Cultural Activity, Local Heritage, Valorisation, Cultural Identity, Education
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