Vereinbarung über die interkantonale Zusammenarbeit im Bereich überregionaler Kultureinrichtungen (Agreement on intercantonal cooperation in the area of supra-regional cultural institutions)

The “Vereinbarung über die interkantonale Zusammenarbeit im Bereich überregionaler Kultureinrichtungen” establishes a framework for collaboration among Swiss cantons (Luzern, Schwyz, Zug and Zürich) in supporting and managing regional cultural institutions. The agreement aims to enhance cultural offerings and ensure the sustainable operation of key cultural facilities that serve broader regional interests.

This collaboration includes financial contributions, strategic planning, and coordinated efforts to support museums, theatres, libraries, and other cultural institutions. The agreement emphasises the importance of cultural heritage preservation, education, and public access to cultural resources.

Key points of the agreement include defining the roles and responsibilities of participating cantons, outlining financial commitments, and setting up mechanisms for joint decision-making and resource allocation. It also highlights the importance of maintaining high standards of management and programming in cultural institutions to ensure their long-term viability and relevance.

The impact on cultural heritage is significant, as the agreement fosters a collaborative approach to preserving and promoting regional cultural assets. By pooling resources and expertise, the cantons can more effectively support institutions that play a crucial role in maintaining and showcasing the region’s cultural heritage. This not only benefits local communities but also enhances the cultural landscape for visitors and future generations.

In summary, the “Vereinbarung über die interkantonale Zusammenarbeit im Bereich überregionaler Kultureinrichtungen” strengthens the support and management of regional cultural institutions through inter-cantonal collaboration. This agreement ensures the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, enriching the cultural fabric of the participating regions and providing sustainable cultural resources for the public.

Kanton Luzern
Cultural institutions, Heritage Management, Collaboration, Canton, Heritage promotion, Financial Assistance
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