Vedtekter for Svalbards miljøvernfond

This legislation sets out the mandate and scope of Svalbard’s Environmental Protection Fund, established under the 2001 Act on environmental protection in the archipelago. The fund aims to contribute to the protection and preservation of Svalbard’s unique natural environment, through the allocation of resources to projects that support this objective.

The fund, managed by the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, receives its funding from a portion of the environmental tax levied on tourists visiting Svalbard. The legislation also outlines the governance structure of the fund, including the appointment of the board members responsible for managing its day-to-day operations. The board is tasked with making decisions on the allocation of funds to relevant projects, with the aim of promoting sustainable development across the archipelago.

The legislation also sets out the board’s responsibilities in developing guidelines for the repayment of environmental taxes paid by residents and remuneration of tax collectors. The legislation provides a framework for the board’s work, including the development of an annual budget for the fund’s activities and annual reporting requirements.

Overall, this legislation provides the necessary governance and operational guidelines for the effective functioning of the Environmental Protection Fund in promoting sustainable development and protecting the unique natural environment of Svalbard. By allocating resources towards relevant projects, the fund aims to foster partnerships and collaborations aimed at protecting and preserving Svalbard’s natural environment for future generations.

Green Transition
Svalbard, Fund, Funding, Environmental Protection, Preservation, Natural Environment, Project, Taxes, Sustainable Development, Financial Instruments, Environmental Management, Management, Decision-making, Protection
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