Valtioneuvoston asetus saamenkieliseen ja saamen kielen opetukseen perusopetuksessa, lukiossa ja ammatillisessa koulutuksessa  myönnettävän valtionavustuksen perusteista

This legislation sets out the guidelines for state funding allocated to support Saami language education in primary, secondary, and vocational schools. It focuses on providing financial assistance based on the number of teaching hours and the requirement of a minimum of three students per class. The funding aims to cover the average personnel costs of teaching staff, distributed in two instalments per year.

The document emphasises the importance of preserving and promoting the Saami language and culture through education. By supporting Saami language instruction in schools, the legislation contributes to safeguarding the linguistic heritage of the Saami community. It ensures that educational institutions in Saami homeland municipalities receive financial aid to facilitate the teaching of the Saami language at different educational levels.

Overall, this legislation plays a crucial role in sustaining the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Saami people by providing financial support for Saami language education. It underscores the significance of language preservation and education in maintaining the unique identity and traditions of the Saami community. The document’s provisions aim to strengthen the Saami language’s presence in educational settings and promote intergenerational transmission of this vital aspect of Saami heritage.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
Fund, Funding, Language, Saami language, Education, Financial help, Vocational Education, Community, indigenous language, indigenous culture, Linguistics, Linguistic heritage, Linguistic diversity, Culture Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Cultural Heritage, Heritage transmission
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