Valtioneuvoston asetus Museovirastosta

The legislation establishes and governs the operations of the Finnish Museum Agency, commonly referred to as Museovirasto. This legislation outlines the Agency’s comprehensive responsibilities, including the protection and development of the country’s cultural heritage. The Agency is tasked with the administration of national museums, the safeguarding of archaeological sites, and the promotion of cultural heritage awareness.

The law specifies the organisational structure of the Agency, led by a Director-General. It includes various departments and regional units dedicated to diverse aspects of cultural preservation, such as archaeology, history, and art history. The Agency is also responsible for maintaining and operating national museums and organising exhibitions that highlight Finland’s rich cultural history.

A key component of the legislation is its focus on the protection and research of Finland’s cultural environment. The Museum Agency is entrusted with the conservation and restoration of archaeological, maritime archaeological, and cultural-historical materials. It also provides guidance on restoration practices and engages in international cooperation to promote Finnish cultural heritage globally.

This legislation significantly impacts the heritage sector by ensuring the structured preservation and promotion of cultural assets. It establishes the National Museum Agency as a pivotal institution in safeguarding Finland’s cultural heritage for future generations, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the nation’s history and cultural diversity.

Heritage Preservation
Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
Museum Agency, planning authorities, Cultural Heritage, National Heritage, Museum, Museums, Heritage Management, Management, Management of museums, Heritage Protection, Protection, Heritage Preservation, Cultural Heritage Preservation, Preservation, Conservation, Heritage Conservation, Heritage promotion, Promoting cultural heritage, Archaeological Site, Archaeology, Restoration, cultural assets, Diversity, cultural diversity
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