Ustawa z dnia 23 lipca 2003 r. o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami

The Act consisting of 13 chapters specifies the subject, scope and forms of protection and care of monuments, the principles of creating a national program for the protection and care of monuments and the financing of conservation, restoration and construction works on monuments, as well as the organization of monument protection authorities. The Act specifies the subject, scope and forms of protection and care of monuments, the principles of creating a national program for the protection and care of monuments and the financing of conservation, restoration and construction works on monuments, as well as the organization of monument protection authorities. Article 3 contains the definitions of a monument and its types, a cultural institution specializing in the care of monuments, conservation, restoration and construction works, as well as conservation, architectural and archaeological research, as well as cultural landscape and surroundings. Articles 4 and 5 define what the protection and care of monuments is. The forms of monument protection are: 1) entry in the register of monuments; 1a) entry on the List of Heritage Treasures; 2) recognition as a historical monument; 3) creation of a cultural park; 4) protection arrangements in the local development plan or in the decision to determine the location of a public purpose investment, the decision on development conditions, the decision to authorize the implementation of a road investment, the decision to determine the location of a railway line or the decision to authorize the implementation of an investment in the field of a public use airport. The Act explains how these protection forms work in detail in chapter 2. The conditions for the development of monuments, conducting research, works and undertaking other activities related to monuments are described in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 is devoted to conservation supervision exercised by the Provincial Conservator of Monuments or employees of the Provincial Office for the Protection of Monuments acting under his authority (control of compliance with and application of regulations regarding the protection and care of monuments). Chapter 5 addresses the problem of exporting monuments abroad and necessary permits. Principles of financing the care of monuments is described in chapter 6. In case of armed conflict and crisis situations the national program for the protection and care of monuments and protection monuments presented in Chapter 6 applies. The following Chapters deal with organization of monument protection authorities, social guardians of monuments and penal provisions.

Heritage Preservation
Sejm (Polish Parliament)
Archaelogical Heritage, Conservation, Heritage Protection, Protected areas, Export of Movable Cultural Property, Financial Instruments
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