Última e derradeira vontade: o património feminino e o ato de sepultar nos testamentos de mulheres do quotidiano bracarense (séculos XVIII e XIX)

This chapter explores the testamentary practices of women in Braga during the 18th and 19th centuries. The research focuses on the distribution of assets in women’s wills, shedding light on their economic roles and contributions to family economies in urban Braga. Barbosa emphasizes the central position women held in city economies during the Early Modern period, challenging the notion that women were confined to domestic spheres.

Through the analysis of wills, the study reveals the interconnectedness of women in supporting and guiding each other through life, illness, and old age, showcasing their significant presence in familial and community networks. The documents not only detail material possessions but also provide insights into the transmission of power, name, and prestige, offering a glimpse into the composition and evaluation of different social groups’ fortunes.

Barbosa’s examination of women’s testaments highlights the diverse roles women played in Braga society, from daughters to godmothers, servants, and slaves, who emerged as heirs and testators. The wills also reflect women’s concerns for the salvation of their souls, their final resting place, and the well-being of their loved ones. By analyzing the content of these wills, Barbosa uncovers the intricate web of relationships, responsibilities, and economic contributions of women in Braga, challenging historical narratives that often overlook women’s agency and influence. Through this study, Barbosa aims to further explore the communal and supportive relationships among women in Braga and their enduring presence in shaping familial and community structures during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Heritage Preservation
Andreia Sofia Ferreira Barbosa
Portugal, Portugal
Gender, Documentation, Archives, Historical Records
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