Transition pathway for tourism

On March 10, 2020, the Commission introduced a new industrial strategy aimed at positioning EU industry at the forefront of green and digital transformations, enhancing global competitiveness, and securing strategic autonomy. In response to the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, an updated version of this strategy emphasised the imperative to expedite green and digital transitions while bolstering the resilience of EU industrial ecosystems. The Commission proposed initiating collaborative transition pathways, developed with stakeholders, to facilitate these transformations effectively.

Given the severe impact of the pandemic on the tourism sector and its unique challenges in embracing the dual transition, it became the pioneer industrial ecosystem for launching a co-creation process to craft a transition pathway. This report delineates the requisite measures and outcomes to accelerate green and digital transitions and fortify the resilience of the tourism ecosystem. Its purpose is to galvanise all stakeholders within the tourism domain to actively participate in this initiative.

The development of the pathway has been a collaborative effort involving all relevant stakeholder groups, with ongoing active engagement anticipated for the future. Subsequent to the report’s release, the Commission called upon tourism stakeholders to articulate their commitments to the transition pathway, establishing collaboration mechanisms for its implementation and monitoring. This endeavour aligns with the European Council’s call in May 2021 to design a European Agenda for Tourism 2030/2050.

Digital Transition, Green Transition
Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Sustainable Tourism, Digital Transition, COVID-19, Recovery and Resilience Plan, Sustainable Development
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