Towards a shared culture of architecture: Investing in a high-quality living environment for everyone

This publication is a major contribution feeding into the design and implementation of the New European Bauhaus. With its inclusive and holistic approach this report will provide various stakeholders with new ideas and approaches, in particular decision-makers in the fields of architecture and the built environment, the culture and heritage sector as well as those tasked with spatial planning and sustainable development at local, regional, national and European levels.

Under the priority ‘Cohesion and well-being’ the Council of the European Union’s 2019-2022 work plan for culture established the creation of an Open Method of Coordination (OMC) group of Member States’ experts focusing on high-quality architecture and built environment for everyone.

In 2020 and 2021 a group of 39 experts nominated by 23 Member States, plus Norway and Switzerland collaborated closely with the aim of addressing current challenges and long-term strategies for our living environment. In the process coordinated by the European Commission, the experts exchanged knowledge, analysed case studies and developed recommendations on the many ways high-quality architecture can help to improve and further develop the spaces and places of Europe for the benefit of everyone.

As this expert group was at work, the European Commission launched the New European Bauhaus, which aims at transforming the European Green Deal into a new cultural project, beyond its technological or economic dimensions. While it goes beyond traditional ideas about the built environment, the New European Bauhaus has a considerable intersection with the conclusions of this report as it calls for architectural quality and design thinking as key contributors to the transformational movement it wants to inspire.

Green Transition
European Commission
New European Bauhaus, Policy, Policies, Climate Adaptation, Climate Policy, Sustainable Living, Built Environment, Built heritage, Architecture, Architectural Heritage, Green Transformation, Green Transition, European Green Deal
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