Towards a circular governance for the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage

Discover a comprehensive exploration of cultural heritage preservation and adaptive reuse strategies in Europe, focusing on the pivotal role of local communities in conservation efforts. The article delves into the concept of heritage as a common good, advocating for inclusive governance models that empower diverse stakeholders to contribute to sustainable development initiatives. Emphasising the importance of participatory processes, it highlights the benefits of transparent decision-making and accountability in heritage preservation projects.

Through insightful case studies from various European locations, the document showcases successful examples of citizens-led initiatives in cultural heritage adaptive reuse. It provides valuable guidelines for policymakers, drawing on real-world experiences to define and implement circular governance approaches for revitalising abandoned heritage assets. By exploring the intersection of heritage conservation, social innovation, and community engagement, it offers a roadmap for creating vibrant and sustainable urban environments.

Addressing the dynamic relationship between people and places, the article underscores the significance of restoring quality and identity to degraded landscapes through heritage preservation efforts. It advocates for a shift towards viewing cultural heritage as a living space for communities, fostering a sense of belonging and connection to shared heritage values. By promoting a holistic approach to heritage management, it aims to inspire professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage to embrace innovative strategies for preserving and reimagining cultural assets for future generations.

Heritage Preservation, Inclusion & Accessibility
Bolletino del Centro Calza Bini, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Martina Bosone, Serena Micheletti, Antonia Gravagnuolo, Dr. Cristina Garzillo, Allison Wildman
Common Goods, Circular Governance, Adaptive Reuse, Cultural Heritage, Heritage Preservation, Inclusive Governance, Participatory Processes, Social Innovation
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