The societal value of the arts and culture

The Arts and Culture are strong agents of change, even more when they are interconnected to the broader concepts of well-being, mental health and inclusion. This policy brief discusses the societal value of the Arts and Culture, their impact on well-being, mental health and inclusion, as well as their role in opening up new policy avenues.The text highlights how these aspects contribute to building a more resilient and fairer Europe.

By assessing the societal value of arts and culture, the document emphasises their role in improving mental health and fostering social cohesion. It underlines the importance of innovative approaches, such as social prescription and community engagement, in enhancing overall well-being. A selection of most recent research findings from Horizon 2020 Framework Programme’s projects highlights the new opportunities and translates them into concrete policy actions that can be further transferred and up-scaled by various stakeholders, to promote accessibility to artistic and cultural activities.

Moreover, the text discusses the link between mental health issues and social exclusion, particularly among marginalised communities. It stresses the need for accessible mental healthcare and the positive impact of arts-based interventions on mental health and loneliness. By fostering a dialogue between different disciplines and communities, these initiatives aim to create a more inclusive and engaging cultural landscape for all individuals.

Overall, this document serves as a comprehensive guide for professionals and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage, shedding light on the significant role of arts and culture in enhancing well-being, mental health, and social inclusion across diverse European societies.

Inclusion & Accessibility
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission)
Mental Health, Mental Well-being, Well-being, Wellbeing, Social Inclusion, Social Issues, Social well-being, Social Exclusion, Marginalised Communities, Culture, Arts, Policy Recommendations, Cultural Policy
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