Technical study on the possible introduction of optional building renovation passports

This report focuses on the technical study conducted on the potential implementation of optional building renovation passports within the European Union. The document was prepared for the European Commission and highlights the recommendations of the authors on the relevance, feasibility, and possible scope of measures at EU level.

The study conducted a review of existing building renovation passport schemes and initiatives, analyzing their potential impact and efficiency at an EU level. Part 1 of the report provides an overview of the building renovation passports and their implications for the EU, while Part 2 focuses on analyzing the feasibility and relevance of implementing the passports. Part 3 concludes with a selection of policy options and recommendations for building renovation passports at the EU level.

The study was conducted by several technical coordinators, authors, and contributors from various European organizations with expertise in the field of building performance, sustainability, and energy efficiency. The authors’ recommendations include establishing a common approach to building renovation passports, supporting digitalization to improve accessibility and process efficiency, and promoting stakeholder engagement and awareness on the benefits of building renovation passports.

For professionals and enthusiasts in the field of Heritage, this report provides insight into potential approaches towards sustainable building renovation. The authors’ recommendations and conclusions can assist policymakers, professional associations, and other decision-makers in the field of Heritage to better understand the implications of building renovation passports in the EU. Overall, this technical study demonstrates how building renovation passports can be an essential tool in the EU’s efforts towards a more sustainable future.

Green Transition
Directorate-General for Energy
Digitisation, Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, Renovation, Buildings
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